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Fooling Around with XP

True confessions of a certified project manager, tempted to abandon all she has been taught for her one true passion.

Michele Sliger's picture Michele Sliger
Behavior Modification

Novices are often hampered by test-driven design's legacy terminology and notation. Behavior-driven development shifts the emphasis from testing to specification. Dan North describes how behavior-driven development makes established agile practices more accessible and effective for teams new to agile.

Dan North's picture Dan North
Who do You Trust?

The defensive programmer may sometimes feel a touch of paranoia in his work, but it’s all part of the job. Writing code today that is robust and defensive will help protect against the potential errors of the unforeseeable future.

Tod Golding's picture Tod Golding
A New Strategy

After a conversation with a stranger about the abuses of process in an industry that features spaceships, technology, and an oddball rebellion against a controlling empire—no, nothing to do with Hollywood—Matthew Heusser ponders a simple dose of process improvement.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
A Look at Command Line Utilities

There are some large and complex tools out there for testers, but the ones Danny Faught uses most often are small and conveniently accessed by way of a simple, old-fashioned command line user interface.

Danny R. Faught's picture Danny R. Faught
When an Emergency Takes Center Stage

The middle of an emergency is no time to make a plan. Take a look at this installment of "Management Chronicles" to learn how not to be prepared for an emergency situation, and then read the Story Lines for some helpful, preparatory advice.

Peter Clark
Is the Pope a Bachelor?—Why Examples are Most Important

We like to believe that the categories we assign to the world are real and the definitions we use draw clear boundaries, but how clear are they really? Brian Marick writes about the vital nature of examples, both in the realm of software development and in the larger picture of life.

Brian Marick
Help Wanted: Hiring a Software Tester With an Agile Attitude

What can you do to ensure you hire a tester with an agile attitude? Lisa Crispin explains the approach her team used to find a new tester with both the right skills and the right attitude.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Tester PI: Performance Investigator

Finding avoidable, show-stopping problems when performance testing late in a project is, unfortunately, not uncommon. But Scott Barber says you can save time and money on your software development projects by investigating performance early and validating performance last.

Scott Barber's picture Scott Barber
Where in the World?—Is Your Test Strategy Multicultural?

Good software travels far and wide, and for rapid testers that means one of their goals is to discover risks associated with the product's operating differently with respect to some distinct locale. That's why Michael Bolton says "localizability" is preferred "internationalization," because the new target market may not be in a different country at all.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton


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