Better Software Articles

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No More Second-Class Testers!

Today's quality professionals should be more than bug finders—they should be an integral part of the development process, supplying product information throughout the application lifecycle, from requirements to release. Learn how you can be sure that your test team is diverse and skilled enough to meet these challenges.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Dear Glossary Builders

Ross Collard weighs in on whether there should be a testing/quality glossary.

Ross Collard's picture Ross Collard
FitNesse: Automated Specification

Micah Martin introduces the open source tool FitNesse.

Micah Martin
How We Got Them to Read the Writing on the Wall

Tim Van Tongeren tells the story of how an internal progress poster became a popular gathering spot and information resource.

Tim Van Tongeren
The Case of the Crashing Test Site

Tom McGreal warns you of problems that may be lurking in your deployment environment.

Tom McGreal
What's Different about Agile Management

Much has been written about how agile processes change the developer and tester roles, but what effect do they have on the manager? Learn about three “extreme” concepts and what they mean to the software manager.

Ken Schwaber
Practical Career Advancement

A word from the Technical Editor

Brian Marick
Logical Capture/Replay

Wouldn’t it be great if test scripts were written in terms of what they were trying to accomplish instead of in terms of which button to click? It would certainly make them a lot less fragile, and much easier to understand. Find out how capture/replay at the business and control logic level can help you accomplish this goal.

Michael Silverstein
Let SQA Be Your Guide

Pinocchio had Jiminy Cricket; your company has Software Quality Assurance. Both are intended not to enforce good practices, but to encourage them. Find out how SQA can effectively serve an organization.

W. Mark Manduke
Go with the Bug Flow

How do you know when your software is done? How do you determine which bugs need to be fixed and which can be tabled for "someday"? Robert Sabourin defines a seven-step process for establishing an effective bug triage system.

Robert Sabourin's picture Robert Sabourin


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