Better Software Articles

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Orchestrating Integration Testing

Verifying the operation of a complex software system can be a daunting task. Here is a systematic approach to the job. This article details six steps for testing duct-taped programs.

Len DiMaggio
The Marriage of Estimation and Negotiation

Successful projects deliver what they say they will, when they say they can, at a certain cost. Generating reliable project commitments requires a union between accurate project estimation and principled negotiation.

Michael Mah
Leveraging Inspections

You can improve your inspection process, moving from 50 percent to as much as 90 percent defect removal before entering test. Learn how to record and analyze the right data.

Ed Weller's picture Ed Weller
Testing the Programs That Test Programs

This edition warns of the trouble that comes when you start testing the programs that test programs. Next-generation tools could be just what your project needs. Linda Hayes explains the pros and cons of implementing such a solution.

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
The Care and Feeding of Testing Skills

It's a good idea to thoroughly study the bugs that have already been found in the software you're testing. It's even better if you study other people's bugs, too. Read on in this issue of Career Development as Elisabeth Hendrickson provides a helpful guide to continuous professional development.

Elisabeth Hendrickson's picture Elisabeth Hendrickson
A Look at the Perforce Version Control System

Using the right tools for the job is always important; with tools that become components of your software production line, it is critical. Perforce is a version control system with ready hooks for integration into bug tracking systems. The author explains the advantages of using Perforce and why you should consider it for your team.

Tom Tyler
Get the Picture?

Peter TerMaat tells the story of a failing project and a chart that influenced a $2 million decision.

Peter TerMaat
Configuration Bugs That Bite

Bugs can creep in through the smallest crack. The problem may not necessarily be the testing, it might be your change management system. In this latest offering of Bug Report, the authors describe two techniques you can use on your project.

Kristy Hill Mike Cohn
Security Testing by Steven Splaine

For anyone involved in security testing, or for anyone who is just plain curious about this area of software testing, the following references will provide a good starting point for any effort that you might be asked to undertake. In this issue, Steven Splaine discusses this important aspect of software engineering.

Steven Splaine
Stuck in Neutral

Have you ever found yourself unable to get going on a project? Learn tips to help prevent this from happening to you and how to deal with it after it has happened. Esther Derby explains how she was able to move forward after being stuck.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby


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