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Are Your Requirements Complete?

Every system contains at least one (and probably more) set of requirements that fits into one of these categories: the functional who, what, where, when, why, how, and the nonfunctional design and project constraints. No one method or technique captures all requirements, but this approach can assist quality engineers in identifying missing requirements. Our objective is to spot the gaps in the requirements sets—just as a Tetris player spots gaps in those moving blocks—as soon as possible.

Patricia L. Ferdinandi
When Applications Collide

Having multiple applications installed and running on a personal computer system presents interesting challenges for testing, even if all the applications are from a single vendor. Bill Mullins imparts some lessons he learned while testing multiple applications.

Bill Mullins
Software Tester Certification Options

Increased demand for test expertise has generated interest in testing-specific professional certifications. Alyn Wambeke sorts through certification options for testers.

Alyn Wambeke
Twenty Years Ago

In comparing himself today to his younger self, Steve Smith says, "I've changed. The work that interests me wouldn't interest Young Steve. Although Young Steve would outdo me technically, I could compete in that arena: Young Steve couldn't compete with me in my new mission."

Steven M. Smith's picture Steven M. Smith
Bugs Beneath the Surface

Brian Marick uses two bugs to illustrate a small, but valuable, test design tip: Try the next thing that a user would try.

Brian Marick
Re-creating Me

Change is the watchword of life in the software world--perhaps no field has grown and transformed itself as quickly as our industry. To survive and succeed in this business we must truly be masters of change; those who have been the most successful are the ones who have been able to use change as a tool and catalyst. Maureen O'Hara describes how change can be an agent for growth.

Maureen A. O’Hara
Defect Management with Soffront TRACK Defects

Margaret Ramsey looks at Defect Management with Soffront's TRACK Defects. She concludes: "If this tool meets your requirements and its pricing isn't out of your ballpark, it's definitely worth considering. With its customizability and ease of use, TRACK Defects is one tool that should be on your evaluation list."

Margaret Ramsey
Developing Your Skills as a Tester

Jack Cook explores reasons for testers to gain development knowledge and experience. Expanding your knowledge into the arena of software development will not only enhance your testing skills, it will improve your marketability both inside and outside your company. Knowing that you can work intelligently with developers can be very rewarding to your career and your self-esteem, and it will help you enjoy your work experience even more.

Jack Cook
A Baker's Dozen of Dirty Words

III offers alternatives to thirteen commonly misused terms and phrases, including walkthrough, quality assurance, phase, O-O analysis, maintenance, function, and estimate.

Testing for Exceptions

The basic problem with exception handling is that it is difficult! Exception handling in modern languages makes it easy to drastically change the contents of memory. The next instruction executed may be very distant from the site of the exception, and required cleanup might not be done. In C++ the problem can be particularly acute, with lost memory not reclaimed correctly. For these reasons, it's critical for good testing of exception handling that we test all representative sequences of normal and exceptional calls.

Keith Stobie


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