Conference Presentations
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Optimize Performance Engineering with an Integrated Docker Framework
When an e-commerce platform is going through a digital and cloud transformation, the DevOps and performance engineering team has various responsibilities: prepare the workload, execute tests, measure and analyze performance KPIs, baseline, and store performance-related data. Current tools and process often impact the speed and quality of delivery, as most of the steps require manual intervention. Join Safi Mohamed and Aftab Alam as they walk through how they built a Docker-based integrated performance engineering framework using AWS, JMeter, Docker, Jenkins, Python, and Splunk to automate the performance engineering process. They will show how this framework automates test execution, data collection, analysis, and communicating the results with the team through HipChat as part of the build pipeline. |
Safi Mohamed
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Enterprise DevOps Is Not an Oxymoron
Driving enterprise DevOps transformations is a challenging but massively rewarding job. Larger organizations often struggle to justify the costs of new tooling and training. In fact, larger organizations often fail even to understand what DevOps is and what it means for their business. Putting DevOps into practice also tends to hit serious roadblocks in areas of information security. How can you get buy-in for such a difficult and widespread organizational change? And once you've got it, how do you drive change in a way that stakeholders will stay supportive of it? Join Lee Eason as he discusses how he has led his company through a three-year transformation from traditional siloed development and deployment into a streamlined DevOps approach. This has reduced delays, dramatically sped up innovation, and improved quality and customer satisfaction all along the way. |
Lee Eason
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Creating Chaos: Engineering for the Unexpected
Every day we deal with complexity in our systems and multiple layers of dependencies. This complexity makes it difficult to predict when one service or dependency might go rogue for a specific circumstance during a delivery workflow. That's where chaos engineering comes in. Chaos engineering creates these "random" scenarios on purpose and builds resiliency into a system while increasing the velocity at which value is delivered to consumers. Shahzad Zafar will discuss his company's journey into chaos engineering, the principles behind it, how to plan for introducing chaos, and why a culture of DevOps is essential for it to succeed. Learn where chaos experiments should be run, how to use business metrics to evaluate results, the best way to permeate results to all of your teams, and how to scale chaos engineering across a larger organization. |
Shahzad Zafar
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Enabling Continuous Testing with Docker and Kubernetes
Quality assurance frequently lags behind the development of new features. One common cause is the difficulty of getting software into a deployable state for testing. Join Arjun Comar as he discusses how Docker containers and Kubernetes can be used to solve this challenge. Arjun will talk about his experiences on recent DevOps efforts where Docker and Kubernetes enabled rapid deployments, and you will learn how to set up short-lived test environments that can shift testing left and permit testing to be performed even prior to developers merging code into the mainline, allowing continuous testing during sprints. Arjun will show how continuous integration systems can use the same process to spot-check every change and help you more easily achieve continuous delivery. Take home knowledge about the kinds of changes that allow engineers to test early and often, benefitting both automated and manual testing efforts. |
Cassandra Comar
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DevSecOps - Security at the Speed of DevOps
Security specialists, especially at large organizations, believe that better security comes from robust independent gating. On the other hand, DevOps has proven that you can safely deploy orders of magnitude faster than human gating can achieve. What's needed to add security to DevOps are tools that work well with rapid-cycle CI/CD pipelines and an approach that reinforces the DevOps culture and process changes. This requires that security specialists become self-service toolsmiths and advisors and stop thinking of themselves as gatekeepers. Larry guides you through the characteristics of security tools compatible with DevOps, while focusing on the hardest part; THE PEOPLE. You'll be introduced to the DevSecOps manifesto and provided with a process model, based upon Agile transformation techniques, to accomplish the necessary mindset shift and achieve an effective DevSecOps culture. |
Larry Maccherone
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Beyond the Phoenix Project
John Willis
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Applying Systems Thinking to DevOps Practices at Scale
As enterprises begin to adopt DevOps practices, there can be a tendency for these transformations to err in one of two ways. One model is where everything is driven locally by teams trying new concepts and tools in order to accelerate their delivery. Another model is where a very top-down program is initiated, driven by what leaders believe are the right things for teams to do. Jared Speno will show how Nationwide Insurance applied DevOps concepts at scale to accelerate delivery for the business. Learn how the organization created a structure and culture that empowers teams to own their journey while identifying areas where they can improve. You'll learn how to apply systems thinking to take local improvements and use them to optimize enterprise delivery capability, why it is necessary to treat the delivery pipeline as a product, and how to architect the pipeline for speed of delivery. |
Jared Speno
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Use BDD and Product Analytics to Change Your Vision of Quality
DevOps teams struggle to ensure quality in multiple daily deployments. Traditional testing approaches have often failed in this context, but there are exciting new ways to test. Laurent Py and Vincent Prêtre will explain how, at Hiptest, DevOps teams combine behavior-driven development... |
Laurent Py
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Docker and the Path to a Better Staging Environment
Staging environments are notoriously difficult to set up and maintain. Unless you have a top-notch DevOps team, staging environments are usually different from production environments, and consequently, they are fraught with problems—failing deployments, "out of disk space" errors... |
Gil Tayar
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The Test Expert's Role in DevOps
DevOps is a culture shift that emphasizes collaboration between software developers and other IT professionals while automating software delivery and infrastructure changes. It aims to establish an environment where building, testing, and releasing software can happen more rapidly... |
Mike Sowers
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