STARWEST 2012 - Software Testing Conference


Maslow's Hierarchy of Quality: Realigning Your Thinking

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a popular model that describes the stages of human psychological development. Anu Kak shares how Maslow's work can be applied to align the quality thinking of a software development organization through a “Hierarchy of Quality.” This builds a quality-centric culture and enhances the quality of products before they are released while quickly learning from mistakes.

Anu Kak, PayPal, Inc.
Mobile Cloud Agile

Trends vs. Testing. Mobile Testing. Cloud Testing. The New Testing: A Wider Resource Orchestration. 

Aspire Systems
Mobile Test Automation: Lessons Learned in the Trenches

With mobile applications becoming more and more mission critical for the enterprise, testing teams are increasingly looking to automate the test cases for their mobile applications. However, with mobile testing still in its nascent stages, it is no surprise that organizations find the implementation of mobile test automation to be both time consuming and expensive, often negating any benefits of the efficiencies it should bring to the testing process.

Manish Mathuria, InfoStretch Corporation

Moneyball and the Science of Building Great Testing Teams

Moneyball is an analytical, metrics-based approach to assembling a competitive baseball team. It is based on breaking down accepted preconceptions and finding new ways to look at individual skills and how they mesh as a team. Sometimes the characteristics that we believe the team needs aren’t that important in improving quality. In fact, some accepted practices may have less impact on quality than we might have predicted.

Peter Varhol, Seapine Software Inc

Penetration Testing Demystified

Penetration testing is a method of evaluating the security of a system by maliciously attacking it and analyzing its possible weaknesses. Penetration testing uses a suite of tests, generally performed in a gray-box fashion, to attack the system as real attackers would-approaching the system with attacker eyes, knowledge, skills, and tools. Edward Bonver explains why and how penetration testing should be done on any mission-critical system as part of a comprehensive security testing strategy.

Edward Bonver, Symantec Corporation
Performance Testing in the Agile World

Like agile development, performance testing is an iterative process in which new problems and risks are identified, and appropriate steps are taken to fix issues or mitigate risks. Experience tells us that in an agile environment, performance testing must be built into the development process, owned by the entire team, and coordinated by the performance analyst. Agile programs spanning multiple scrums running in parallel and sharing a common infrastructure present a unique set of problems that can challenge any performance analyst.

Sai Subramanian, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Prime Directive: Improve Dev Testing Skills

In many development organizations today, quality is the responsibility of everyone on the project-both developers and testers. However, getting devs fully engaged in this testing continues to be a challenge. Andrew Prentice describes two approaches-blitz testing and mentored testing-that help Atlassian’s developers gain the skills they need to improve code quality before the testers get their hands on the application.

Andrew Prentice, Atlassian
Security Testing: Thinking Like an Attacker

Compared to traditional functional testing, security testing requires testers to develop the mindset of real attackers and pro-actively look for security vulnerabilities throughout the software development lifecycle. Using live demos, Frank Kim shows you how to think-and act-like a hacker.

Frank Kim, ThinkSec
SoLoMo Is Shaking Up The Testing Landscape: How QA Organizations Can Adapt, Keep Up, and Thrive

The collision of social, local, and mobile media (a.k.a. SoLoMo) is impacting and disrupting software development and testing organizations worldwide. With so much sensitive and critical data flowing to and from SoLoMo technologies, there is immense pressure to ensure that apps are reliable, scalable, and secure across a multitude of environments-handsets, tablets, operating systems, browsers, carriers, languages, and locations.

Matt Johnston, uTest Inc.

STARWEST 2012 Keynote: Becoming a Kick-*** Test Manager

Want to be a great test manager for your team? A leader your company values highly? Too many test managers do what their organization asks—rather than what their organization needs—and hope for good things to happen. Great test managers are leaders who don’t accept the status quo.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group Inc.


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