project planning Questions

I need a collection of fast and easy games that teach agile concepts to remote teams

By arjun reddy - May 15, 2023No Answers

I have 2 Python scripts that do Excel automation tasks I need to use Alteryx automation workflow including 2 python scripts, 1 python script is responsible for data preparation in Excel and another script is responsible to fill out the data from other excel file in to data preparation file created by 1st python script.

i tried taking excel file for which data preparation task to be done and populate it to python script with the help of command tool it is giving out the result as expected but i am unable to input the output of 1st python script and 2nd excel where data needs to be filled

i have 2nd python script ready it is able to perform the operation as well but have no idea how to do it with alteryx

any idea or help is greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance !!!

If you were to recommend a project management tool where you can track the financial data (Capex, Opex, ForeCasting), Resource Allocation, Budget vs Actual, along with the typical WBS, Duration, Dependencies, Predecessors, Gantt Chart, Roadmaps, etc., what would you recommend as your choice to a colleague?

We are trying to figure out how to fit program mamangers into our first agile pilot. 

I would like to get some expert opinion on the following product environment in terms of story writing and story slicing. Suppose if we have an enterprise product and many clients would be onboarding to the product in different timelines of deadlines with customized extra features than the basic product. As many clients are getting onboarded with more unique customized features and the overlap is in place, the Product owners are getting challenges in writing the story which enriches the base product that fits our system and slicing the stories into smaller units that fit into the 2-week sprint for the clients. What would be your suggestion or approaches on these sort of situations to address the story writing and slicing challenges?

Project management which on is best certification PMP or Prince 2

By Rangarajan TM - May 25, 20201 Answer

How does Agile framewrok fit to IT Infrasructure projects?Traditional IT Infra projects have more in common with Waterfall way of working?

how many userstories  based on story points  and  tasks calculated   for the sprint 


Agile product management aligns the Product,
Technical and Marketing teams towards building customer-centric products faster
with a possibility to refine the product scope based on the market conditions.





Reviews do allign closely with the agile manifesto, but what kind of metrics can be effectively related for Agile development?


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