project planning Questions

how to write a use case in simplified way

I am Quality Analyst in IT Company having experience 2 years. What should I learn right now which will make My future good?

  I am not interested in Coding hence, I seletced Testing. 

  I am thinking of to learn something new as there is no technology using currently in My project.



Hi everyone, first I would like to thank you for this wonderful platform which is super rich with information.

I would like to ask a question, I was working for almost 2 years as a scrum master for an IT team and I changed my job lately and my goal is to become an Agile Consultant for different projects in my current company; I would like to know what should I do / learn to be more powerfull in this side. Of course experience will bring a lot with time and my experience is already enough for this position but I want to be a master on this side. Are there any good trainings that I can perform which will help me on this side ? I please ask you to answer my question and give me more info on how to improve ! Thank you in advance I really appreciate :)




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