teams Questions

By richard semock - October 18, 20154 Answers

Previous conferences of Star West and the agile methodology in general have accepted the concept that testers and programmers are both subsets of the developer category. Is this still the accepted definition or are programmers the only team members that are considered developers.

By Derrick Bell - October 1, 20151 Answer

We are migrating a slew of reports. I'd like to apply agile methodology for this process. I would you recommend I proceed?

(e.g. "Drive" by Daniel Pink is one of my favorites.)

Can we really get good insight,  while  asking certain questions on agility, how it is practiced etc from agile team menmbers.

Ususally agile development is used for new or geenfield projects but what if this development is used for existing or brownfield projects. What issues could agile development team face while working with exisiting project?

From our recent Agile Meetup with Johanna Rothman.


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