Managing Your Outsourcing Contract Through Metrics Have project demands led you to consider outsourcing as a possibility? If so, make sure you get the most bang for your company's outsourced buck-and be able to prove it too. Learn about techniques you can use to manage your outsourcing contract based on an appropriate set of service level measures. Koni Thompson also provides specific recommendations for a metrics-centered approach based on the Capability Maturity Model (CMM).
Koni Thompson, The David Consulting Group
Orthogonal Defect Classification at Cisco This presentation outlines the history of the Orthogonal Defect Classification system deployment at Cisco.
Bob Mullen, Cisco Systems
Software Metrics State of The Practice This presentation reviews the results of KLCI's Fourth Annual "best practices" study, including: Metrics "Best Practices"; Spending benchmarks for software metrics; Benefits of software metrics; Software measurements used; and Tools for software metrics.
Peter Kulik, KLCI Research Group
Communicate and Define the Value of Performance in Dollars and Cents What is the real value of computing performance improvement? What is the real cost of computing performance degradation? This paper describes an approach used at The Boeing Company to answer these questions. The challenges of presenting technical analyses in "dollars and cents, bottom line" terminology, and sample visual formats for communicating computing performance information
clearly, completely and concisely will be discussed.
Nancy Acree, CAD/CAM Products and Services
A Practical Framework for Software Measurement Measurement is often defined in terms of collecting data, distinguishing it from analysis-the interpretation and use of data. Clearly, the collection of data must be driven by its intended use. In this presentation, David Card presents a framework that treats measurement and analysis as an integrated process. Discover the four basic components of this framework, and learn how to use the framework to ensure that all-important perspectives and potential users of measurement are considered in the measurement planning process.
David Card, Software Productivity Consortium
Predictive Metrics to Estimate Post Project Costs How much will it cost to support your software project based on current estimations? Discover the answer to this question by using statistical estimation methods-including the S-curve and the Rayleigh curve-to help you determine where your projects are in relation to required quality and trendings to meet your post-project cost goals. Learn how to use metrics to predict post-project costs and make better release decisions based on these predictions.
Geoffrey Facer, Intel Corporation
Three Numbers to Measure Project Performance We present a method which produces at any time during the execution of a big software
development project a reliable prediction of the total duration and of the total cost to expect
at project completion. The basic idea presented in our paper is to correlate cumulative cost consumed to current
completion reached, and to learn out of this about the future of the project. Prerequisites
are a cost consumption plan and a deliverables completion plan. The approach is
presented both theoretically and on hand of a real life case. Special attention is paid to
project management techniques related to the method.
Thomas Liedtke and Peter Paetzold, Alcatel
From Zero to 100: Project Metrics in an Investment Bank Metrics collection, interpretation, and data quality always present a challenge to organizations. In the midst of an ever-increasing organization such as Goldman Sachs, the need for comprehensive metrics has become a top priority. Learn how one company successfully implemented a measurement initiative from ground zero using project management discipline, completion dates, scope definition, and a lifecycle approach-resulting in expanded coverage, more sophisticated usage of data, and support of the management and quality teams.
Barry Young and Arun Banerjee, Goldman Sachs and Co.
Predicting Software Errors and Defects This paper introduces a fault model that predicts the number of errors and defects throughout the development cycle. Project managers can use this information to quantitatively determine if the development process is in control, may be going out of control, or is clearly out of control. This model is able to adjust estimates based on the most current data available.
Mark Criscione, Motorola
Success Factors and Measures in Outsourced Application Development Today's e-conomy is creating higher time pressures than ever in application development. Many organizations are responding to the deadline pressures and backlogs through partnering. Whenever new partnering relationships are created, however, conflict can result. Learn the four key critical success factors to help you manage this type of strategic relationship, including how to deal with "shotgun weddings" and creating better dispute resolution frameworks.
Michael Mah, QSM Associates, Inc.