A Rigorous and Highly Effective Approach to Website Load Testing In this presentation, you will learn how to leverage the power of modern load testing tools to avoid misleading conclusions, and obtain accurate and reliable results by
applying a proven, rigorous, and methodical approach to the three phases of website load testing: planning, execution, and analysis.
Alberto Savoia, Keynote Systems
The Importance Load Testing Plays in the Internet Economy This presentation suggests reducing performance problems with these Key Steps: 1) plan for performance testing; 2) use baselining and consistent metrics; 3) build realism into tests to gain accuracy; 4) leverage performance testing assets; 5) make performance testing an ongoing effort; 6) investigate new options in load testing.
Kevin Gallagher, Newport Group, Inc.
How to Evaluate and Select High-End Load Testing Tool This presentation addresses the following topics related to selecting a load testing tool: what tool characteristics matter; gathering information from vendors; determining metrics to collect; executing the test; analyzing the results; the recording process; and lessons learned.
Marquis Harding, TestMark.net
Adventures in Web Application Performance Testing Examine the challenges and successes experienced by a test team analyzing application and systems performance for applications moving from distributed Client/Server solutions to centralized, Web-based designs. In this presentation, Nancy Landau presents case studies to address the changes made in automated testing methods to handle compressed delivery schedules, new architectures, new test tools requirements, and changing customer expectations. These case studies encompass principles such as managing iterative test development, creating reusable tests, standardizing application metrics, migrating from simple to complex networking environments, and predicting performance bottlenecks.
Nancy Landau, ALLTEL
An Introduction to Web Load Testing This session walks participants through the process of Web load testing. Jim Hyatt takes this opportunity to cover everything from what testing tools are available to how to plan for load testing. Get a basic understanding of what Web load testing is and how to do it correctly.
Jim Hyatt, Spherion
Delusions of Grandeur: Is Your Web Site Really Scalable? This presentation relates a software test lab's real-world experiences performing load testing for scalability on three Web sites. Besides methodology, it also covers the tools employed, client expectations before launch, and how the findings from the testing were applied to help clients correctly scale their sites. Learn why this type of testing is the most effective way to validate design and hardware architecture, plus identify potholes before they end up on the information superhighway.
Jim Hazen, SysTest Labs, LLC
Bottlenecks Exposed: The Most Frequently Found Performance Problems Dan Downing's experience with stress testing projects has revealed a handful of common denominators present in most Web site performance problems. These include memory starvation; a CPU-gobbling database access; improperly sized heaps, caches, and pools; poor application design; and load balancing that doesn't balance. This presentation uses actual B2C and B2B project examples to show you a symptom-measurement-diagnostic approach to understanding, exposing, and documenting these common problems.
Dan Downing, Mentora
Software Code Inspection for Defect Prevention Thousands of hours are spent testing, but most software professionals find that traditional testing simply isn't enough to ensure code quality. This presentation gives software professionals a complementary approach: software inspection. Learn how software inspection differs from traditional testing, and gain an understanding of principal inspection techniques.
Jasper Kamperman, Reasoning
Is Quality Negotiable? Experiences of an eXtreme Programming Tester If you want a higher quality product in an eXtreme Programming (XP) project, you must be prepared to pay a higher price. We make decisions and compromises based on quality versus cost every day. Extreme programming teams are driven to do their best work, but customers have the right to specify and pay for only the level of quality they require. This presentation explores ways to resolve these two potentially conflicting points of view.
Lisa Crispin, BoldTech Systems
STARWEST 2001: Bug Hunting: Going on a Software Safari This presentation is about bugs: where they hide, how you find them, and how you tell other people they exist so they can be fixed. Explore the habitats of the most common types of software bugs. Learn how to make bugs more likely to appear and discover ways to present information about the bugs you find to ensure they get fixed. Drawing on real-world examples of bug reports, Elisabeth Hendrickson reveals tips and techniques for capturing the wiliest and most squirmy critters crawling around in your software.
Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software