Evolution of Automated Testing for Enterprise Systems The key to accelerating test automation in any project is for a well-rounded, cohesive team to emerge that can marry its business knowledge with its technical expertise. This session is an in-depth case study of the evolution of automated testing at the BNSF Railroad. From record-and-playback to database-driven robust test scripts, this session will take you through each step of the $24 billion corporation's efforts to implement test automation.
Cherie Coles, BNSF Railroad
Introduction to Usability Testing What is usability? Why is it important? If these questions wake you in the middle of the night, then this presentation is for you. Cheryl Nesta discusses the relevance of usability testing within the broad framework of quality assurance and appropriate expectations based on its uses and applicability. Explore methodology, process flow, goal identification, and definition. Real-world examples create a hands-on introductory experience.
Cheryl L. Nesta, Vanteon
Performance Testing 101 Organizations are often so eager to "jump in" and use load testing tools that the critical steps necessary to ensure successful performance testing are sometimes overlooked-leading to testing delays and wasted effort. Learn the best practices and tips for successful automated performance testing in areas such as assembling a proper test team, planning, simulating a production environment, creating scripts, and executing load tests.
David Torrisi, Mercury Interactive
Mining the Gold from Your Web Server Logs How often have you wished that you knew what your customers really thought of your Web site? You can extract a gold mine of information from your Web server's log to reveal how your site is used. Learn ways for your team to use this information to organize browser testing based on user statistics, improve testing coverage of your Web site, and plan more realistic load testing.
Karen Johnson, Peapod, Inc.
Wireless Application Testing Putting the Web on cellular phones, PDAs, and other wireless devices is all the rage. Still in its infancy, the idea of doing online transactions via mobile devices has created a new buzzword: "M-Commerce." However, some companies in their quest to be first-to-market have overlooked the fact that this new technology is still in need of basic testing for quality, performance under load, and usability. Discover the importance of testing wireless applications, and learn how to identify common bottlenecks and problems.
Scott Moore, CommerceQuest
A Reusable Web Load Testing Process You've purchased the tools. Now you're ready to start Web load testing. Learn how one company developed a process that supports-in a repeatable manner-the planning, coordination, results analysis, and results reporting that are necessary to make a Web load test cost-efficient and effective. Using information gained from lessons learned, documentation templates, and planning templates, get a jump start on your process.
Glen Schulze, PHH Arval
Communicate and Define the Value of Performance in Dollars and Cents What is the real value of computing performance improvement? What is the real cost of computing performance degradation? This paper describes an approach used at The Boeing Company to answer these questions. The challenges of presenting technical analyses in "dollars and cents, bottom line" terminology, and sample visual formats for communicating computing performance information
clearly, completely and concisely will be discussed.
Nancy Acree, CAD/CAM Products and Services
eXtreme Programming: Managing Agile Development Extreme Programming (XP) has captured the attention of the industry by challenging many cherished beliefs held about software development and management. Not only that, it's actually delivered against those challenges. As a development process, XP focuses on producing sound software architectures while delivering required functionality to customers on time and within budget. It uses iterative development along with other controversial yet effective techniques to get the job done. Robert Martin gives us the real scoop on why XP has enjoyed so many successes, and how it can and will continue to flourish in business development environments.
Robert Martin, Object Mentor, Inc.
A Practical Framework for Software Measurement Measurement is often defined in terms of collecting data, distinguishing it from analysis-the interpretation and use of data. Clearly, the collection of data must be driven by its intended use. In this presentation, David Card presents a framework that treats measurement and analysis as an integrated process. Discover the four basic components of this framework, and learn how to use the framework to ensure that all-important perspectives and potential users of measurement are considered in the measurement planning process.
David Card, Software Productivity Consortium
Extreme Programming and CMM This presentation explains the Capability Maturity Model and Extreme Programming, compares the two, and shows how they can be compatible.
Mark Paulk, Software Engineering Institute