Conference Presentations

Back to the Basics: Principles for Constructing Quality Software

Using an analogy to the building codes followed by architects and contractors in the construction of buildings, Rick Spiewak explores the fundamental principles for developing and delivering high quality, mission-critical systems. Just as buildings are constructed using different materials and techniques, we use a variety of languages, methodologies, and tools to develop software. Although there is no formal "building code" for software, software projects should consider-and judiciously apply-the recognized "best" practices of static analysis, automated unit testing, code re-use, and peer reviews. Rick takes you on a deep dive into each of these techniques where you'll learn about their advantages, disadvantages, costs, challenges, and more.

Rick Spiewak, The MITRE Corporation
How to Break Web Software

If you're new to testing Web applications or facing new challenges, you may feel overwhelmed by the terminology and multiple technologies of today's Web environments. Web testing today requires more than just exercising the functionality of applications. Each system is composed of a customized mix of various layers of technology, each implemented in a different programming language and requiring unique testing strategies. This “stew” often leads to puzzling behavior across browsers; performance problems due to page design and content, server locations, and architecture; and the inconsistent operation of the bleepin' Back button! Dawn Haynes shares a Web testing strategy for discovering and targeting new areas to test and an extensive set of test design ideas and software attacks.

Dawn Haynes, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
Mobile Test Automation: Lessons Learned in the Trenches

With mobile applications becoming more and more mission critical for the enterprise, testing teams are increasingly looking to automate the test cases for their mobile applications. However, with mobile testing still in its nascent stages, it is no surprise that organizations find the implementation of mobile test automation to be both time consuming and expensive, often negating any benefits of the efficiencies it should bring to the testing process. Manish Mathuria shares key lessons learned from implementing tools, technologies, and frameworks that help mobile testing teams take full advantage of test automation-without increases in cost or time. Manish presents real-life examples and cases studies using open source tools like Selenium and commercial tools like QTP, explaining how various organizations have benefited from mobile test automation.

Manish Mathuria, InfoStretch Corporation
Engineering an Enterprise Selenium Framework

Manipulating a web page is only the beginning of test automation. A large test automation suite contains an enormous amount of information about a system. Creating and maintaining such a system can be a nightmare if done incorrectly. If you don't have a feature-rich test automation framework, you're making your life more difficult than it needs to be. Drawing on his years of experience, Brian Kitchener discusses the benefits and pitfalls of engineering an enterprise test automation framework using Selenium. He discusses overall design schemes, common problems and solutions, and shares specific code examples you can take back with you. Leave knowing how to quickly establish a framework, create hooks and provide features to your entire organization, determine the basic features any automation framework should have, and identify some potential problems to avoid.

Brian Kitchener, Pearson eCollege
Stop the Test Automation ROI-based Justification Insanity

In the past, we justified our automation efforts with ROI calculations based on saved test execution time. Unfortunately, those “savings” frequently led to eliminating testers from the organization. Management applauded the “do more with less” reality that these ROI savings promised. Seasoned and slightly askew test leader Bob Galen challenges these traditional views toward automation ROI-based savings. Explore better value drivers for automation that include increasing your competitive position, increasing the capacity and skill of your test organization, allowing for late-binding changes for development that provide a delivery “safety net,” and increasing the overall quality of your risk-based testing strategies. Bob explains why cost savings is a low-level, trivial pursuit and discusses why focusing on increased investment in your team and your testing should be the prime directive for your automation initiatives.

Bob Galen, RGalen Counsulting Group, LLC
Building a 21st Century Test Automation Framework

Customers in today’s Web 2.0 world expect rapid releases of feature-rich applications that just work. Keeping up with such a paradigm change requires test organizations to focus heavily on test automation. Also required is the ability to deal with a test environment that has multiple teams simultaneously working on different areas of a product. Of increasing importance are parallelism, pipelining, and using machine intelligence to sort through the noise and find real defects in products. Clark Malmgren shares how Comcast has increased throughput of their tests by running them in parallel across multiple set-top boxes and pipelining tests to minimize downtime during a test run. Learn how to maximize your testers’ time by harnessing the power of machine intelligence to identify which test failures are real and which are the result of other issues-and allow your team to focus its limited time on what really matters.

Clark Malmgren, Comcast Video Services
Leverage Your Test Automation ROI with Creative Solutions

Typical automated tests perform repetitive tasks quickly and accurately. However, with some creativity, you can leverage automation to dramatically increase its ROI. Doug Hoffman demonstrates how to employ test automation for testing activities that are impossible with manual testing.

Doug Hoffman, Software Quality Methods, LLC
State-of-the-Art Cloud Testing: Experiences with Bing Search

The cloud is penetrating every technology organization and almost every software product or service. The cloud affects everything inside development, bringing profound changes to how engineers build, test, release, and maintain software and systems. Sharing his experiences at Microsoft working on the Bing search engine, Ken Johnston reveals how they devised and implemented a test-oriented architecture (TOA) at every layer within their product solution. He explores what stayed the same and what changed when their test organization moved to state-of-the-art cloud testing. Learn how the cloud is driving broader adoption of agile development and driving organizations toward accelerated release rates. Find out how the Bing team shifted to a “continuous testing in production” model for testing web services and eliminated the surprises that came from the old approach of big-at-the-end testing.

Ken Johnston, Microsoft Corporation
Automate to Accelerate: Planning Your Next Test Automation Steps

Is your organization implementing test automation and not achieving the expected success? Are you spending too much effort rewriting scripts that don't hold up over time? Do your test plans sometimes look like random acts of automation? Roi Carmel shares a pragmatic process he’s used for defining automation goals, addressing automation challenges, and assessing an organization’s readiness for automation. Learn how to achieve greater success with automation and significantly increase test coverage, shrink timelines, and support overall business goals. Although there is no magic bullet, no express lane to a perfect automation center of excellence, Roi explains how organizations can assess their maturity against an automation maturity model in the areas of people, processes, and technology.

Andrew Flick, Hewlett-Packard
The Mis-education of Software Testers: Rethinking and Relearning Software Quality

The role of the software tester is continuing to evolve, becoming more complex and more technical. As new methodologies, technologies, and platforms emerge, testers are bombarded with new, so-called "best practices" on how to do their jobs. The problem is that testers have heard the same songs with different lyrics for more than twenty years now. Clint Sprauve takes a contrarian’s view of testing and the quality assurance industry. He examines some of today’s typical testing "best practices"-keyword-driven testing, requirements traceability, the tester’s role in agile development, quality reporting, tool expertise, and quality certification programs-while providing alternative approaches for how to view each practice.

Clinton Sprauve, Micro Focus


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