Conference Presentations

STAREAST 2018 Devices and Desires: How Do Humans Experience Software?

We consume and still we desire more—more devices, more apps, more data, more bandwidth, more connectivity. The more we have, the more we want. We assume that to be true—those of us who work in the software industry. But is that true? To understand what is really required of our products, we need to design and test a pyramid of interlocking quality attributes that, together, make for an optimum experience. Isabel Evans discusses why and how we can evaluate UX and what is takes to deliver better UX to our customers. Isabel looks at the needs of the individual software user in conjunction with pressures from the commercial imperatives from the business and external forces from government, the environment, and the needs of society. To test the UX and thus deliver a good experience, we first need to understand the humans who use our products and match their needs and desires to the software’s user experience.

Isabel Evans
STAREAST 2018 Exploratory Testing: Learn to Do It like a Bloodhound

Let’s face it—dogs are born to sniff everything. Using their noses, they gather information from other dogs, people, and most everything. We teach dogs to use their noses to find bombs, predict seizures, locate cancer cells, detect drugs, and so much more. When dogs smell, they are not just recording an odor; they get an entire story. Although testers have fewer scent receptors than dogs, Susan Zampino says that we can learn how to gather information like a dog to drive our exploratory testing. Using active audience participation, Susan will stimulate participants to rely on their sense of “smell” during exploratory testing sessions. Learn and practice multiple new techniques to gather information and uncover hidden risks. With some practice and consistent focus on using your technical, business, and testing experiences, you can become a bloodhound exploratory tester.

Susan Zampino
STAREAST 2018 Mindmapping: A General Purpose (Test) Planning Tool

MindMapping is a general technique of organizing your thoughts, aligning your ideas, and breaking things down. It’s uses are, in fact, mind blowing. But in this session, join Bob Galen, as he takes you on a visual tour of mindmapping as applied in the software testing space. We’ll be using a free tool and be creating maps to illustrate test case design, test idea generation, sprint-level test planning, and release-level test planning using mindmaps. Along the way, you’ll also gain some new insights into risk-based testing with an agile twist, as we explore the 3-Amigos metaphor. You’ll leave this session with a rudimentary library of maps and another, quite powerful tool, to add to your toolbox. Bring your laptop or other device, as we’ll be using MindMup to create a few simple mindmaps.

Bob Galen
BSE Testing Keep Engagement High in Difficult Projects

Aggressive timelines, scope creep, changing requirements, development delays, and the imperative to finish on the imposed timeline … how can you keep your team motivated and engaged when everything seems to go wrong? Larissa Rosochansky describes the major factors of team...

Larissa Rosochansky
BSE Testing Word Smatter: Exploring Semantics, Testers, and Problems

ers [do|don’t] (help) [prevent|detect] problems.” Throughout his career, Damian Synadinos has encountered many variations of this phrase, which uses just a few small words to express many big ideas. It is important to understand what each word means individually to better understand the...

Damian Synadinos
STARCANADA Testing The Three Pillars Approach to an Agile Testing Strategy

Far too often, organizations focus solely on the development teams and their technical practices as their agile adoption strategy. And then there’s the near constant focus on acquiring development tools. Often the testing activity and the testing teams are left behind in agile adoption...

Bob Galen
STARCANADA Testing Amp Up Your Testing by Harnessing Test Data

The data tsunami is coming—or maybe it’s already here. Data science, big data, and machine learning are the buzzwords of the day. Data is changing our products and the way we build them, so we should also change the way we verify our products. In a world of increasing connectivity and...

Steve Rowe
STARWEST Testing Move from Scripted Manual Testing to Scenario-Based Testing

Think of manually executed test scripts—like pulling a wagon without wheels. Eventually the wagon will make it to the final destination, but the journey itself will be long and painful. Many people think test scripts are outdated because of the long, painful process of writing and running...

Andrea Fox
STARWEST Testing Service Virtualization: What, Who, When, and How

Service virtualization provides many benefits for both development and test teams. For testers, service virtualization empowers them to work in parallel with their development counterparts and take control of their own schedules. They no longer have to wait for development to...

Kenneth Merkel
STARWEST Testing Transform Your Team from QA to Test Engineering

Are you being asked to shorten your testing timelines? Do you feel pressured to increase your test automation coverage but don’t have the time, staff, or budget? How do you as a leader upgrade your existing teams’ programming skills and technical abilities without bringing in external...

Jennifer Scandariato


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