Conference Presentations

Testing Mobile Apps: Three Dilemmas Solved

The fragmentation and unpredictability of the mobile market present new challenges and risks for the business-and the development team. Testers must assure application quality across multiple platforms and help deliver new products almost every day. Using his experiences implementing automated mobile testing for clients, Yoram Mizrachi analyzes three fundamental mobile testing dilemmas encountered when enterprises go mobile. First, learn how and when to use emulators and real mobile devices, when to rely on each, and how many devices you will need in each stage of development. Second, understand the differences between testing on local devices versus remote devices in the cloud and how the differences affect test coverage, scalability, logistics, risk, and security liability.

Yoram Mizrachi, Perfecto Mobile
Big Data and Quality

Big Data systems-those in which data sets grow so large that they become awkward to work with using traditional tools-are a huge problem for testers. To address the Big Data problem, testers must throw the traditional approach of creating and executing fixed test cases out the window. Ken Johnston and Reena Agarwal share how testing is changing and adapting within Microsoft on the Bing search platform and elsewhere. There, they are implementing sophisticated analysis techniques to validate system output and measure data quality. Join this leading edge session to learn what Big Data is all about and the technologies driving these new systems. Explore examples from different industries-including Big Data testing within Microsoft and Bing-and explore the new skills you and your team will need to test in the era of Big Data.

Ken Johnston, Microsoft Corporation
Using Agile Techniques to Manage Testing - Even on Non-agile Projects

Sometimes, test managers and teams can get bogged down in rigid processes, excessive documentation, and simply too much data, resulting in less actual testing getting done. The good news is that there is a better way! Brian Osman describes how he applies agile and lean practices within his test team, even on non-agile projects. Brian shares his experiences with low-tech, high-value techniques such as big visible charts to track and share information. He was able to cut down on long meetings and eliminate complex status reports while still helping his team stay focused and on track. They improved visibility and communications with management, development, and business stakeholders while reducing interruptions. Brian explains how his new approach positively influenced other projects around them and how it helped everyone stay on task. Learn ways your test team can “go agile”-even if the rest of the project has not.

Brian Osman, OsmanIT
Security Testing: Thinking Like an Attacker

Compared to traditional functional testing, security testing requires testers to develop the mindset of real attackers and pro-actively look for security vulnerabilities throughout the software development lifecycle. Using live demos, Frank Kim shows you how to think-and act-like a hacker. Rather than just talking about issues such as Cross Site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection, and Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Frank shows-live and in color-how hackers abuse potentially devastating defects by finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in a live web application. Find out how attackers approach the problem of gaining unauthorized access to systems. Discover the tools hackers have that you don't even know exist and how you can find critical security defects in your production apps. In this revealing session, you'll learn how to become a better tester and find serious security vulnerabilities in your systems before the bad guys do.

Frank Kim, ThinkSec
Automating Mobile Application Testing with Monkey Talk

As enterprises scramble for competitive advantage by rapidly creating and deploying compelling mobile applications, testing professionals have been challenged to quickly adopt new tools and processes to provide effective testing. Failing to meet this challenge often can result in "one-star" user ratings that doom the application to failure. While many automation engineers have mastered the available tools for automating web application testing, mobile applications require new kinds of tools that understand the richer palette of user interface components and gestures that comprise modern mobile application interfaces. Stu Stern introduces MonkeyTalk (formerly FoneMonkey and FlexMonkey), a free and open source tool that lets testers record, play back, edit, and manage comprehensive functional test automation suites for native Android, iOS, HTML5 and Adobe Flex applications.

Stu Stern, Gorilla Logic
The Art of Designing Test Data

Test data generation is an important preparatory step in software testing. It calls for a tester’s creativity as much as test case design itself. Focusing on the type of testing to be performed and designing data to support it yields the greatest success in finding defects. For example, security testing largely requires negative test data to attempt to gain access to a system as a hacker would. Localization testing requires very specific test data in the areas of date, time, and currency. Rajini Padmanaban describes how test data generation is a reverse engineering process, where one first focuses on the end goal and then works back to determine what kind of data should be created. Rajini describes data sets for various types of testing, ideas to keep in mind in reusing test data, and sharing data across the product team to save time while not trespassing on the team’s creative thinking.

Rajini Padmanaban, QA InfoTech
A Test Manager's Transformation Toolkit

If you have had your testing window reduced or you are being challenged to do more with less, this session is for you. Mari Kawaguchi shares how she and her team embraced these challenges to transform their testing operating model. Sharing her extensive experience, Mari details the road map that elevated her testing organization to a valued and strategic partner within the organization. Mari describes the strategic components of testing-people, process, and technology-and shares how to assess your team’s skills, build subject matter experts, and ensure the right mindset to drive innovation and change. From a process and technology perspective, she outlines early testing engagement and collaboration, risk based testing, root cause analysis of escaped defects, and performance scorecards. Take back a new toolkit of ways to transform your test team into strategic business partners.

Mari Kawaguchi, Bank of America
The Missing Integration at Best Buy: Agile, Test Management, and Test Execution

What can you do when test tools from proprietary vendors don’t seem to support your organization’s processes and open source tools are too narrowly focused? Best Buy, the world's largest electronics retailer, faced this very situation. With hundreds of agile development projects running concurrently, they needed an integrated test management and test execution tool set that would scale up easily. Frank Cohen describes how he helped Best Buy integrate open source functional and load test tools, vendor-supplied test management tools, and repository tools with their agile software development methodology. Now, with this integrated solution, business managers, testers, developers, and IT Ops managers click the “Start” button to perform a thorough set of automated tests, verify the results, and produce an informative dashboard of results.

Frank Cohen, PushToTest
Database Load Testing and Performance Analysis: New Approaches for Fast Results

Ever wonder exactly how a database becomes the bottleneck for an entire application? Ever think about replaying real production load to see if your application can stand the pressure? Ron Warshawsky presents novel methods for performing load testing at the database level to quickly identify database performance problems. Ron shares the best ways to load test the database side of applications and to analyze the performance of databases. To identify the root causes of database performance bottlenecks, Ron demonstrates how you can correlate load test data with database performance analysis results. Although Oracle is used as a case study database, the same methods are applicable to other databases including DB2, SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Ron Warshawsky, Enteros, Inc.
Innovative Tools for Your Mobile Testing Toolkit

Automating mobile testing faces challenges from a huge variety of devices, resolutions, user interactions, and operating systems. While there is no single solution in the market that can solve all your testing needs, Eing Ong has found a few innovative open source tools that stand out. Learn how Sikuli, ImageMagick, and MOET (Mobile End-to-end Testing) can address the limitations of instrumentation techniques and how you can leverage them individually or together to test your native mobile applications. Eing begins by demonstrating Sikuli's innovative visual technology for iPhone user behavior testing and MonkeyRunner for Android testing. Then she shows how you can use ImageMagick to crop and convert images as well as fine tune image comparisons for image verification.

Eing Ong, Intuit, Inc.


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