Conference Presentations

Automation--The Good, Bad, and Ugly

This presentation gives you a logical process for selecting and implementing a software test automation tool. Gain a better understanding of the benefits and limitations of test tools while learning about the misconceptions and how to avoid the pitfalls. Using real-life experiences with a London bank, a cable TV company, and a bookmaking operation, Clive Bates clarifies the myths about tool usage and implementation. Learn how to select the best test automation tool for your organization.

Clive Bates, OCS Consulting
Overcoming Communication Hurdles for Large Testing

Learn of the challenges one company faced in testing a new distribution center involving six new systems with multiple integration points. Consisting of over one hundred systems and business personnel, the various test teams were located in eight different physical locations throughout the United States. Discover the communication issues and problems encountered by the test teams during this project, and examine the tools and techniques involved to keep everyone informed.

Marcia Miller, Levi Strauss & Co.
Modeling the Real World for Load Testing

Requesting your Web site's home page one hundred times per minute is not going to give you a very accurate idea of how your Web site is actually going to perform in the real world. Explore the variables that you need to consider when designing a Web load or stress test, including user activities, graphics, security, user access speeds, and geographic locations.

Steve Splaine, Splaine & Associates
Test Automation of Large System Testing

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) traded over $10 trillion last year. Three years ago, NYSE established an initiative to improve the productivity and quality of software validation efforts. Learn the key architecture and infrastructure elements of that initiative.

Al Lowenstein, SIAC
Does Test Length Matter?

According to popular testing folklore, long tests are more likely to find bugs than short ones. Based on a series of experiments using formal traversal tools, Shmuel Ur demonstrates that long tests do indeed achieve better coverage and are lower in costs than test suites built of short tests. Explore the trade-offs between short and long tests while learning the effective strategies of converting test requirements to test plans.

Shmuel Ur, IBM Research
Managing User Acceptance Testing in Large Projects

Managing user acceptance testing poses many challenges, especially in large-scale projects. Julie Tarwater explores the issues of planning, coordinating, and executing effective user testing with a large number of end users. Learn strategies for ensuring user acceptance while exploring the pros and cons of each. Discover ways to prioritize issues that arise from user testing.

Julie Tarwater, T. Rowe Price Associates
Testing Database Integrity

The saying "Data is a corporate asset" has become a cliche, but most organizations are still vitally dependent on data quality. This presentation addresses how to validate data integrity and check the robustness and controls of databases. Using case studies in database testing, learn how to develop test plans and build test cases for a typical database application.

Ross Collard, Collard & Company
The Evolution of Testing Internet Products at Charles Schwab

As one of the nation's largest financial services firms, Charles Schwab is under intense pressure to meet customer needs, handle high and extremely volatile volumes, and respond to competitive pressures. Hugh Westermeyer describes the processes and tools currently being used in the Electronic Brokerage organization and the history behind them. Learn why testing is not enough to meet this company's customer demands--and why testing, tools, and processes are all required for an Internet-driven business to succeed. Trace the evolution of a start-up organization as it goes from an unstructured one to a well-organized and predictable operation.

Hugh Westermeyer, Charles Schwab
From Traditional Software Testing to E-Testing

This presentation takes a look at the real-world experiences of an "old salt" who spent eight months working as an e-commerce tester. Discover how this seasoned tester successfully infiltrated the domain of a new generation of developers and test engineers--and lived to tell about it! Gregory Pope explores the major differences between eBusiness testing and traditional testing of software applications, and identifies the processes that hold up well in the "do it right now" world. Discover what works--and what doesn't--as he contrasts traditional mission-critical methods and metrics with e-testing.

Gregory Pope, TesCom USA
Applying Structured Testing to a Start-Up

How do you implement effective testing in the rapidly changing world of a start-up company developing a Web application? This presentation explores the issues and dynamics of testing a moving target within impossible deadlines, including methods and practices for building quality and structure despite the constraints. Learn how to evolve the development process and establish effective communication between the development and testing groups.

Efi Goldfarb, TopTier


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