Conference Presentations

Explaining Testing to Anybody

Developers, management, and marketing people are clients of the testing process, but they don't know much about it. This ignorance of testing can often lead to decisions that make it harder for testers to do good work. That is why it is helpful to have rapid ways to explain testing issues. Hear some general "three-minute analogies" and "elevator speeches" that will help you explain why testing can be so time-consuming, difficult, and uncertain.

James Bach, Satisfice, Inc.
Automation Testing Using Visual Basic

Visual Basic is one of the most popular and widely available programming languages in use today. It can also be the automation program of choice for testing Windows applications. Learn how you can use Visual Basic to enhance a test automation project and reduce cost in the process. Examine first-hand experiences and issues encountered by Data Dimensions testers who have used Visual Basic as a test tool.

Mary Sweeney, Data Dimensions, Inc.
From Financial Expert to Quality Assurance Engineer

The software testing industry requires QA Engineers to possess strong technical skills and experience. However, what sets one QA Engineer apart from another is extensive domain/product knowledge. This presentation illustrates how one industry expert leveraged its experience to successfully take a project from conception to launch, while adding value to the project team. Learn how to overcome the challenges faced by non-technical individuals in the QA arena and how to gain respect of your technical counterparts.

Aslama Hassam, Fidelity Investments
High Speed Testing Cycles: An Approach to Accelerated Delivery of Bug-Free Software

Large companies often have multiple software development projects running at the same time. Getting enough infrastructure in place to test these projects concurrently, however, can be very difficult. A High Speed Testing Methodology (called "Testing Trains") has been developed to perform system/acceptance testing for large-scale projects in two-week periods. Learn how Testing Trains can be successful in delivering bug-free software on schedule for your organization.

Daniel Navarro, Banco Nacional de Mexico
Functional and Regression Testing of Web Applications

Gone are the days for most commercial Web sites when the "application" on the site was the Web. Now Web sites are often just the presentation layer for sophisticated applications that interact with a complexity of internal and external systems, all glued together in an elaborate architecture using Corba or DCOM. Learn how to ensure that transaction-based Web sites function properly. Explore the benefits of automated testing in these environments.

Peter Cook, Watchfire
It Depends: Deciding on the Correct Ratio of Developers to Testers

Some people think there is a specific answer to the question, "What is the correct staffing ratio for developers to testers in a software development organization?" Usually, though, the only right answer is, "It depends." The answer you need depends on your situation: what you are doing, how quickly you are trying to do it, the culture you work in, and the results you desire and can tolerate. Explore the analysis involved to decide on your correct staffing ratios.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Automating Test Generation to Minimize Test Writing

Learn how to minimize test writing by automating test generation! Linda Mier presents an overview and demonstration of a Microsoft Access '97 application that, in combination with a Microsoft Word template, automatically performs many of the tasks normally required when writing/tracking tests. Discover how these same principles and implementation techniques are applicable for automating test generation for other applications.

Linda Mier, Taratec Development Corp.
An Emerging Requirement Type--Legal Requirements

Testing to external standards is taking on new meaning-and a new sense of urgency-when money changes hands in cyberspace. Business rules, which are driven by legal requirements and perceptions of legal risk, dramatically expand the qualitative measures for Web-based applications. In this presentation, discover a conceptual framework for developing test plans and test cases that accommodate emerging legal requirements.

James Speer, Data Dimensions, Inc.
Beyond the Bug Battles

It is too easy to fall into fruitless battles over bugs. In many cases, the dispute really comes down to the fact that customers and developers have different ideas regarding what counts as a defect. Testers, on the other hand, are often stuck in the middle. The solution isn't to decide who's right but to find a way to acknowledge the different perspectives. In this presentation, learn two methods for increasing mutual understanding-helping testers and developers work together to create software of which they can be proud.

Bret Pettichord, Tivoli Systems
Soap Opera Testing

It is far from easy to develop good tests. Translating requirements one by one into test cases ins't always good enough. You can end up with an unmanageable volume of boring tests that lack effectiveness in finding complex and hidden problems. Based on experiences in numerous testing and test automation projects, Hans Buwalda presents several techniques to improve the process of test development. Learn how the application of these techniques-based around the theme of "Soap Opera Testing"-can not only lead to a more manageable test set, but also can provide a motivating and creative way to develop tests.

Hans Buwalda, CMG TestFrame Research Center


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