Measuring Ad Hoc Testing Many testers discover most of their bugs through a free-form exploration of a product called ad hoc testing. Ad hoc testing, however, can be difficult to manage. Jonathan Bach presents his experiences in making this intuitive and unstructured process manageable by packaging it in blocks of roughly equivalent effort (called test sessions). Learn how this test session concept allows you to measure and report test effort in a way that supports the needs of management, without burdening the tester with excessive paperwork or intrusive oversight.
Jonathan Bach, Satisfice, Inc.
Creating a Test Plan Database for Standardized Tests Across Multiple Nodes Most test databases on the market today offer the ability to enter tests in a linear style without the ability to easily repeat the same tests for many different nodes. This original primitive testing approach offers test security to the project, but takes up unnecessary time that could be better spent on testing the application. Colleen Sherman contends there is a better way: the database way! Learn how this approach creates an efficient and accurate solution to what was once an administrative nightmare.
Colleen Sherman
Use Your Host Computer--To Test What if we could find a way that would allow us to create tests that worked as well (or better) in an open system environment. This would make the same tests available to anyone and not restrict them to only the tester. No matter haw hard you work in the closed test environment you can never get more work done then you are capable of. But
if we could run in an open test environment we would be able to multiplex the testing
impact on the product many times over. To use a phrase from Object Oriented
Programming we could “write once – use many times.”
Bill Robson, WRQ
Cognitive Illusions in Development and Testing We are all familiar with optical illusions: we see something that turns out to be not as it first appeared. We are subject to self-deception in technical areas as well, which is referred to as cognitive illusions. Drawing upon real-life examples, Dorothy Graham explores some of the ways in which we deceive ourselves and the reasons why we do it. Learn how "turning a blind eye" to issues which are vitally important-such as quality and planning-can often result in failed measurement programs; seldom done post-project reviews; heightened anxiety for developers, managers, and testers; and a "blame" culture mentality.
Dorothy Graham, Grove Consultants
The Complexities of Testing E-Commerce Applications: An Online Brokerage Example The rapidly changing world of e-commerce applications poses a variety of challenges to software testing organizations. In this presentation, Michael Rubin uses examples from the world of online brokerage to highlight a number of issues facing testers of Web applications, including environment complexity, capacity and performance automation, time-to-market pressures, and staff retention. Over the past three years, the rapid growth of e-commerce has put these issues into the forefront for many testing organizations. Learn both effective strategies as well as lessons learned from a software test organization that has been testing Web applications since 1995.
Michael Rubin, Fidelity Investments
STAREAST 2000: The Business Case for Software Quality Each generation of technology-mainframe to client/server to Internet-creates opportunity. It also creates increased risks. Improving the development and testing infrastructure can be a significant investment. Tools need to be required; staff needs to be trained; and outside guidance in the tools and processes may be necessary. This presentation will address ten major areas of opportunity which underscore why this investment is critical to the success of an organization. Learn about the increasing failure rate in projects, the limited availability of competent software professionals, the liability exposure, rising support costs, and the implications of e-commerce. Obtain the information you need to present an effective business case to senior management for the investments required for software quality.
Richard Bender, Technology Builders, Inc.
Performance Testing E-Commerce Web Systems Performance testing of e-commerce Web systems is critical to the effectiveness of Web sites. Michael Hagen describes how Vanguard went through extensive load testing in preparation for the Y2K weekend. Discover how to develop performance requirements, set up a performance testing environment, and execute the actual testing. Gain invaluable insight into what makes a Web system--from browser to mainframe-perform or not perform.
Michael Hagen, The Vanguard Group
STAREAST 2000: A Risk-Based Test Strategy Testing information systems should be based on the business risks to the organization using these information systems. In practice, test managers often take an intuitive approach to test coverage for risks. In this double-track presentation, discover how a "stepwise" definition of test strategy can be used for any test level as well as the overall strategy-providing better insight and a sound basis for negotiating testing depth.
Ingrid Ottevanger, IQUIP Informatica
Automated Testing for Web-Based Applications As Web applications have proliferated, they also have grown in complexity. Automated testing for Web-based applications is in high demand due to limited resources and shorter time-to-market. Learn how automated testing tools have expanded their functionality and capability to support Web-based applications. Discover new ideas and techniques to apply to your Web-based applications testing.
Yang Lu, Kent Ridge Digital Labs
The Indispensable Test Team: Gaining and Maintaining Value in 2000 and Beyond Although testers and Quality Assurance (QA) managers have historically found themselves to be the last hired and the first fired, the Y2K problem has brought testing and testers to the forefront of application development. Now that you have the team in place, how can you enhance your processes and demonstrate the value of your team to the rest of the world? Learn fun and practical methods to help testers create an awareness of QA's value within your organization.
Terrye Ashby, Pointe Technology Group, Inc.