Conference Presentations

Creating Testable Requirements

A project manager strides purposefully into your office. "This disk has the latest and greatest release of our software. Please test it. Today.” You say, "Okay, sure ... what does it do?" The manager stops in his tracks and says, "Uh, the usual stuff..." Sound familiar? We've run into this situation as employees and as consultants. And we've seen testers take the disk, stick it in the drive, and just start testing away. That's testing in the dark. We think there are approaches that are more productive. When we test or manage testers, we plan the testing tasks to know what value we can get from the testing part of the project. Let's try turning on the lights!

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Database Design for Test Information Management

Every test organization must report its findings in a concise, timely, and comprehensive way. Using a relational database to manage test information can dramatically reduce the cost and effort of such reporting. Learn the pitfalls to avoid when designing a test information database. Examine a concrete example of good test database design that you can apply immediately.

Stephen Liss, Motorola
Understanding Test Oracles

To get value from test execution, the results must be determined and evaluated. This presentation describes the dimensions and alternative approaches to results. It identifies three types of oracles and more than ten different reference functions. Listen as David Gelperin discusses design for testability issues relating to lower-cost oracles and the elements of an oracle strategy.

David Gelperin, Software Quality Engineering
Mutation Testing: A New Approach to Automatic Error-Detection

Mutation Testing is a proven and powerful method for finding errors in software programs. Adam Kolawa describes the process of Mutation Testing ("re-writing" source code) and how a new approach to this technology, creating equivalent mutants, is applied. Mutation Testing can assist your company where it matters most-the bottom line.

Adam Kolawa, ParaSoft Corporatin
Test Coaching-- Helping Users and Developers with Early Testing

All too often, we wait to involve the testing and user groups until it is too late and quality is a dream instead of a reality. Learn some methods that proved successful for USA Group that bridged the gap between the developers and users by having "test coaches" working with both teams to bring these two worlds together. Create a "common" strategy for building a quality system early.

Shelley Auld, USA Group
Product Risk Analysis Clarifies Requirements

Risk analysis is an established tool for identifying risk and possible controls that are needed. In addition, it can also be easily applied to products to identify missed requirements and add clarity. Discover how to apply this technique to all types of products, including system back-ups, disaster recovery, and financial applications.

Jim Kandler, Baxter Healthcare, Inc.
Self-Verifying Data--Validating Test Results without an Oracle

You need to test your product with millions of test records, but how do you know that your test queries have found the right information? A separate Oracle file containing the correct results would be tedious and expensive. One solution is to make the data identify itself. Using real-world, self-verifying data examples, this presentation demonstrates the basic self-verifying data technique and describes details of its implementation to test millions of records.

Noel Nyman, Microsoft
Selecting a Problem Tracking System That Suits Your Project

This presentation examines the different philosophies of the Defect Management process and guides you through the thought process of selecting a defect tracking system for your projects. Learn how these philosophical differences can translate into differences in terms of work flow. Discover how the benefits of a defect tracking system can improve software quality for less money.

Gary Pratt, SysTest Labs
The Art and Science of Load Testing Internet Applications

A recent survey shows that load testing is the top testing priority for Internet companies, surpassing functionality and regression testing as well as other forms of performance testing. In this presentation, Alberto Savoia discusses the core principles and techniques necessary for highly realistic and revealing Web site load tests, and shows you how to avoid the most common load testing mistakes. Learn how Web site load testing differs from the more traditional enterprise load testing, and discover ways to create efficient Internet load scenarios. Listen to several case studies that illustrate how load testing data is used in making important business and technical decisions.

Alberto Savoia, Keynote
eTesting the Airline

Colin Cherry provides insight into the challenges and struggles faced by the Ansett Airlines' testing team during the recent relaunch of its Web site. Learn how this test team was built and ready to support a completely revamped and live Web site within only six weeks. Explore the mistakes that were made along the way and how the team improved its capability during each subsequent upgrade of the Web site.

Colin Cherry, Planpower


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