Test Automation for Multi-Platform Client/Server Software This presentation takes a look at the test automation experience of two major releases of a multi-platform client/server software product. Learn about the advantages and pitfalls of full test automation. Examine ways to achieve an optimum level of test automation and discover the test tools that best minimize the drawbacks of full automation.
Heesun Park, SAS Institute Inc.
Life after Death: Testing Standards for the New Millennium As hard as it may be for many testers to think about life after Year 2000, it will happen. Claire Lohr takes a look at the existing standards for software testing and the future evolutions, including the latest revision to IEEE standards for software testing documentation. Not only will the audience have a chance to learn of the upcoming standards, but they will also have a chance to shape them.
Claire Lohr, Lohr Systems
How to Manage Outsource Testing within Your Project Budget Outsourcing quality assurance testing is more expensive than hiring contractors. How, then, do you efficiently and effectively outsource? George Hamblen discusses ways to identify the correct outsource effort and how to maximize potential. Learn how to identify your outsourcing needs within your testing project.
George Hamblen, Fidelity Investments
Defect Free and Unusable Even the best code will fail if the end user isn't involved. Usability studies are a great way to get critical feedback. Without them, be prepared to fix your perfect code AFTER it gets into production. This presentation takes a look at the two types of usability testing and how to find the right users.
Russell Neimy, Home Account Network
System Integration Testing of a Large Network Take a journey to testing on the "other" side and learn what corporate consumers go through after your product has shipped. Based on his experiences at Clorox with a team of systems integrators, Michael Bossart discusses how to ensure system stability and the seamless integration of new systems into a 5,000 node worldwide network.
Michael Brossart, Clorox
Automating Non-Standard User Interface Controls One of the greatest challenges in testing Electronic Design Automation (EDA) applications is automating software that does not use standard user interface (UI) controls recognized by most Automation Capture/Playback tools. This presentation looks at techniques to automate the UI testcases used to test some of Cadence's EDA applications. Learn which techniques were successful and why certain ones failed.
Kanwarpreet Singh Grewal, Cadence Design Systems
Testing Distributed Objects and Components Distributed objects share many of the characteristics of both traditional distributed systems and object-oriented software. Their appealing flexibility, though, poses some unique testing problems. Using CORBA- and RMI-based systems, John McGregor illustrates the problems and potential faults to be found in a distributed object system. Listen as he discusses and illustrates specific test coverage criteria.
John McGregor, Software Architects
Integrated System Testing in Dynamic Development Environment Examine a practical example of a highly effective and efficient system testing process. Learn how several techniques are integrated in a simple strategy, and how powerful test cases are designed by manipulating specific factors such as scope, focus, and complexity. This strategy can significantly improve your ability to deliver good quality products on time.
Slobodan Dumuzliski, Vital Images
Building and Leveraging a Robust Test Facility Learn how to build and leverage a robust and secure integration test facility into a "production-like" regression test environment allowing quality certification of software prior to production migration. Derive the maximum benefit from pre-production testing and current testing requirements while developing tests for re-use.
Saul Kaminsky, SIAC
The Problems with Test Automation When converting manual tests to automated ones, the level of specificity increases exponentially! Even with the right tools and staff, implementation is difficult. Learn of one company's effective data strategies for automated tests and the issues they confronted. Look at the various ways that test automation can benefit the entire testing process.
Andrew Pollner, ALP International Corporation