Automated Test Generation The challenge: Reduce the testing interval without reducing quality. One answer: Find a new way to approach test design and test generation. Learn about a new approach in automated test generation currently in use at Lucent Technologies. Results indicate that this new approach can increase the effectiveness of testing while reducing the cost of test design and generation.
James Clarke, Lucent Technologies
Teamwork Does Work! USA Group's 7.8 MLOC (million lines of code) EAGLE II education loan system development project required a change in culture as well as a combination of unique methods to ensure a quality product. James Putka addresses how to implement these culture changes successfully. Learn how a single measure can change a company.
James Putka, USA Group
Testing at a Web Start-up Learn how this Web application start-up company developed an innovative testing strategy that included automated testing of its rapidly changing Web application. Using available and custom tools, tests were adapted to verify functionality, stress, load, and performance.
Brad Thompson, Commerce One
Life as a CMM Level 5 Test Organization Quality, timeliness, cost-effectiveness-for years, software professionals have believed you cannot have all three. Bellcore has proven otherwise as John Romanak demonstrates in this presentation on Bellcore's approach to software quality. Learn how Bellcore's SQA Independent Testing Organization has become recognized as "best in class" and, since its implementation, has improved overall customer satisfaction from 60 percent to 95 percent.
John Romanak, Telcordia Technolgies, Inc.
Generating Test Cases with Specification Description Language (SDL) and Message Sequence Charts (MSC) In this case study, observe how Nortel developed an entire testing environment to test switches that meet both the International Telecommunications Union standards and their customers' requests. Learn why these comprehensive test suites, written in STEP (an internal language suitable to Nortel's test environment), require such an important effort on Nortel's part.
Ellie Cohen
Testing Undocumented Software Under Impossible Deadlines Years after Cem Kaner's book Testing Computer Software, it is still common to work on software projects with light documentation and very tight schedules. Cem discusses the "good enough testing" approach for dealing with these types of projects. Learn what "good enough testing" really means and how to employ the process effectively.
Cem Kaner, Ph.D., J.D.
Testing is Not a Phase Are testing misconceptions causing you to fail? All too often, testing is viewed primarily as something done in the collapsible zone between development and release when, in truth, software testing is a true teamwork issue involving great skill and experience. Using up-to-date failure data, industry expert Les Hatton explores the integral concepts involved in creating and sustaining a superior testing system. Learn where testing efforts are best spent, the importance of the design stage, and more. Explore testing as a full life-cycle issue and its interaction with other activities.
Les Hatton, Oakwood Computing
Testing and Quality at FedEx: How to Add Value Throughout the Development Life Cycle When Glenn Daily was given the task of ensuring software quality for FedEx's revenue software development, he took a new approach. The time was right for a dramatic change in the way software was developed and tested. Daily and FedEx's current CIO, Chris Hjelm, created a new department that has improved testing and quality by employing a life cycle testing approach coupled with metrics, process management, and certification checkpoints. Learn how they achieved and maintained critical "buy-in" from senior management, users, and the development organization to meet the quality challenges and substantially improve software development at FedEx.
Glenn Daily, Federal Express
Exploiting a Broken Design Process A major flaw in the way most code is designed allows you to break the code by exploiting the flaw. Learn how this "trick" can force software into a state from which it produces incorrect results. Observe live demonstrations on applying this "trick" to popular software programs and code. Discuss ways to build test automation that methodically searches for these flaws.
James Whittaker, Florida Tech, Computer Science
Testing Huge Systems-- Issues and Solutions Testing very large scale computer systems involves more than simply finding defects. This presentation gives examples of "huge" systems and discusses the issues that make testing so difficult. From a case study, learn an effective strategy to approach the testing problem and observe the specific areas that might cause test projects to fail.
Howie Dow, Compaq Computer Corporation