agile transition

Conference Presentations

BSE Development Individuals, Interactions, and Improvisation

As agile practitioners, we constantly strive to better ourselves, our team, and our delivery. A great way to achieve this is simply being open to learning new ideas from other disciplines—including improvisation. Jessie Shternshus shares her story of realizing the uncanny similarities...

Jessie Shternshus
BSE Testing Turn the Lights On: A Power Utility Company's Agile Transformation

Why would a century-old utility with no direct competitors take on the challenge of transforming its entire IT application organization to an agile methodology? In an increasingly interconnected world, the expectations of customers continue to evolve. From smart meters to smart phones, IoT...

Glen Morris
BSE Testing Balance Discovery and Delivery with Dual-Track Agile

Do your product teams frequently struggle to have groomed and well-defined stories ready for the developers? Do you find yourselves frequently in “feed the beast” mode to keep your development teams busy? Do your product teams have problems gaining shared understanding across product...

Sean McKeever
BSE Testing Agile Performance Holarchy (APH)—A Model for Scaling Agile Teams

A hierarchy is an organizational network that has a top and a bottom, and where position is determined by rank, importance, and value. A holarchy is a network that has no top or bottom and where each person’s value derives from his ability, rather than position. As more companies seek the...

Jeff Dalton
We Are Doing Agile But, But, But …

“We are doing agile, but the only tests we do in a sprint are unit tests” or “We are doing agile, but we have a hardening phase at the end, which is really more of a system integration test” or “We are doing agile, but testing is done by a separate test team.” Sound familiar? Gitte Ottosen...

Gitte Ottosen
Agile task board Using Agile to Lead Your Agile Transformation

There's something ironic about starting an agile transformation by spending six months creating a detailed transformation plan. We have to move away from a prescriptive playbook and toward a more responsive transformation model. Why not use the agile transformation as your first opportunity to be agile?

Joel Bancroft-Connors's picture Joel Bancroft-Connors
Speedometer 8 Keys to Transforming into a High-Performance Agile Team

Following an agile process alone will not guarantee your teams will be high performers. Teams undergo various challenges while transforming into a highly productive team. This article looks at the areas where teams generally struggle in adopting agile principles and the typical root causes for those struggles, as well as eight behaviors that can help drive teams toward greater success.

Uday Varma's picture Uday Varma
Scaling Agile Thinking through Empowered Teams Scaling Agile Thinking through Empowered Teams

Just because a software team adopts agility doesn’t mean they’ll see results. Being flexible has its benefits, but ensuring that the team is given total responsibility to make decisions may be more important.

Bob Costello's picture Bob Costello
STARCANADA Testing Jump Start Agile Testing with Acceptance Test Driven Development

Does your agile team struggle to find the right level of detail prior to beginning development? You may be suffering from “chunky” user stories—those that are too large or insufficiently defined to implement or test efficiently. Acceptance test driven development (ATDD) can help you...

Susan Brockley
STARCANADA Testing Architecting an Agile Test Transformation Program

Transitioning test automation efforts from traditional to agile approaches is challenging because it requires cultural, process, technology, and people changes to create a sustained mindset shift and drive desired outcomes. Join Klaudia Breslavets to learn how a complex organization scaled...

Klaudia Breslavets


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