
Conference Presentations

Collocated West Logo Playwriting, Imagination, and Agile Software Development … Oh My!

Agile practitioners are constantly striving to improve their processes and delivery to gain a competitive edge. To become a cross-functional T-shaped rock star, you have to be open to learning from other disciplines and adapting quickly. Tania Katan knows a little about crossing...

Tania Katan
Collocated West Logo Use Feature Flags for Clean Deployments

Software teams want to move faster and deliver features to end users sooner. Continuous delivery and DevOps promise to deploy quickly. However, pushing faster and deploying more often increase the risk of breaking—and subsequent downtime. Edith Harbaugh finds that a feature flagging system...

Edith Harbaugh
Collocated West Logo Continuous Integration as a Development Team’s Way of Life

Continuous integration (CI) is a buzzword in software development today. We know it means “run lots of builds,” but having a continuous integration pipeline opens up opportunities well beyond making sure your team's code compiles. What if this pipeline could improve everything from the...

Melissa Benua
Collocated West Logo Implementing Agile in an FDA Regulated Environment

Developing medical devices that are subject to FDA approval has traditionally followed the waterfall methodology, largely due to the structure of the regulations that govern development practices. But we know from myriad case studies in different industries that agile methodologies are far...

Neal Herman
Collocated West Logo How Far Can You Go with Agile for Embedded Software?

With the proliferation of IoT and consumer demand for smarter homes, appliances, automobiles, and wearables, many traditional product-based manufacturing companies are now becoming embedded software companies. This means that the design and manufacturing of physical products is becoming...

Anders Wallgren
Collocated West Logo DevOps Is More than Just Dev and Ops: Don’t Forget Testing

What exactly is DevOps? It’s not just Dev, and it’s not just Ops. In fact, successful DevOps implementations meld development and operations activities with agile practices and a strong dose of automated testing. Organizations cannot afford to wait for a manual testing process to do the job.

Jonah Stiennon
Collocated West Logo The Issues Agile Exposes and What To Do about Them

Before the short iterations in agile, projects were segmented into large blocks of work taking many weeks or months. If problems emerged, it was relatively easy to hide them. Now, with agile, many of these problems and issues can’t be hidden for long. Lee Copeland exposes these issues...

Lee Copeland
Collocated West Logo Disrupting Ourselves: Moving to a “Teal Organization” Model

In his book Reinventing Organizations, Frederic Laloux describes the “Teal Organization” model. Teal organizations have an evolutionary purpose, self-managing teams with little or no organizational hierarchy, and individuals who bring their whole person to work rather than putting on a...

Bob Payne
Collocated West Logo DevOps and the Culture of High-Performing Software Organizations

The DevOps movement emphasizes the importance of culture in creating high-performing teams. However, often perceived to be subjective and intractable, culture is often neglected in favor of more concrete drivers such as tools and processes. And this is a major failure mode in organizations...

Jez Humble
Collocated West Logo Scaling Scrum with Scrum™ (SSwS): A Universal Framework

Scrum is a simple framework allowing a single team, working from a single backlog, to maximize the value it delivers to its stakeholders. Unfortunately, your organization probably has more than one team and more than one backlog—but you still need to maximize the value to your stakeholders.

Dan Rawsthorne


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