
Better Software Magazine Articles

The Mindset of the Agile Developer The Mindset of the Agile Developer

Most software development teams these days adopt an agile approach to guide projects through their lifecycle. But, according to Gil Broza, embracing popular practices is not enough. To work effectively in an agile environment, developers must change their mindset.

Gil Broza's picture Gil Broza
The Evolution of Software Monetization

End-users are demanding anytime, anywhere access to software apps on their devices. These changes are shifting the way software vendors conduct business. Michael Zunke uses the results of industry surveys to show how software products and services should be licensed.

Michael Zunke's picture Michael Zunke
Making the Move to Behavior-Driven Development

Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a hot topic in the development community. Not only does a properly implemented BDD process help drive increased automation and quicker development cycles, it also facilitates better collaboration between departments and reduces siloed communication.

Kevin Dunne
Agile Strategies for Traditional Software Development Teams

Many development and test teams are still working on more traditional software projects that release every few months or longer, rather than daily or weekly. Benefits of adopting continuous development strategies into a standard software cycle include immediate feedback on code changes...

Melanie Drake
Pitfalls of Developing for the IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) enables amazing software-powered devices designed to make our business and personal lives easier. Lev Lesokhin discusses four fundamental practices you'll need when developing sophisticated software for the IoT.

Lev Lesokhin's picture Lev Lesokhin
Brandon Carlson What Agile and DevOps Do for Software Communities: An Interview with Brandon Carlson

In this interview, Brandon Carlson, a consultant at Lean TECHniques, explains how all the newer aspects of software have come together. He explains how things have changed since agile has grown in prominence and what DevOps does for testing and development.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
man bending over backwards Create an Agile DevOps Environment That Fosters Flexibility over Features

When a company makes the move from software as a service (SaaS) to an API-first platform, a change in mindset is required. The successful transitions come from those who shift from features to flexibility. Technology teams should look to remove constraints and broaden the possibilities of their platform by constantly exploring ways to make their platform as flexible as possible.

Steve Davis's picture Steve Davis
Collocated West Logo Developing a Rugged DevOps Approach to Cloud Security

Your operational tools deliver continuous monitoring and alerting for applications deployed in the cloud. So why doesn’t your security suite do the same? Although no single path to a secure DevOps approach works for every organization, Tim Prendergast offers a set of key principles and...

John Martinez
Collocated West Logo Leading with Purpose

Today, knowledge workers are seeking to find meaning in their lives and purpose in their work. With this new generation of employees who are as interested in purpose as in profit, it is imperative that we revisit management schemes—top-down work assignment, the annual review, strict...

Sanjiv Augustine
Collocated West Logo DevOps Is Only Half the Story to Delivering Winning Products

Before the DevOps approach gained serious traction, development and operations largely worked in isolation and sometimes in opposition. As a community, we are starting to make strides in integrating these two practices to deliver products with more efficient systems and processes. However...

Jody Bailey


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