
Conference Presentations

Mobile Dev Test Intel® Curie™ Open Developer Kit (ODK): A Primer—Part 2

Whether you are a maker enthusiast who is just getting started or a seasoned developer wanting to jump into embedded device development, this session is for you. Oliver Chen covers the Intel Curie ODK (CODK) and how it can help you rapidly prototype products by leveraging tools familiar to...

Oliver Chen
Mobile Dev Test Threads, Queues, and More: Async Programming in iOS

To keep your iOS app running butter-smooth at 60 frames per second, Apple recommends doing as many tasks as possible asynchronously or “off the main thread.” Joe Keeley introduces you to some basic concepts of asynchronous programming in iOS. He discusses what threads and queues are, how...

Joe Keeley
Mobile Dev Test Internet of Fun: Winning Ways for an IoT Hackathon

The very first time Alexander Andelkovic and his team entered an IoT hackathon, they were awarded second place for their IoT app due in large part to the early and continuous QA testing. Their IoT solution was based on combining different public data sources—such as a Minecraft map of...

Alexander Andelkovic
TJ Usiyan How Ideas and Assumptions Impact Applications: An Interview with TJ Usiyan

In this interview, TJ Usiyan, an instructor with Iron Yard, talks about whether development and testing teams need to be on the same page. He also explains how subjectivity influences our systems and applications and why teams overlook subjectivity.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Changing from time estimation to story points

I'm desperately looking for a bit of help! We are a small scrum team who recently turned agile (yay). The previous pm manager preferred using time estimations which was easy for pm's, not the agile-loving dev team. I want to teach my team how to switch to story point estimation and the major concerns of the team are - How do we explain cost to clients per sprint using points? Do we just take the budget total, divide into sprints (based on hours in a sprint) and cost this for a big project?


I have a very reluctant team so any help would be greatfuly appreciated!




Kirsty Fleming's picture Kirsty Fleming
Estimation questions Delivering Value with Agile and #NoEstimates

#NoEstimates is a challenge to the traditional thinking that estimation is essential to agile development. Ryan Ripley believes there are more interesting tools available to help us determine what value is and when we could realize it, while still staying aligned with the businesses and customers we serve. Learn some other ways to deliver value to your customers.

Ryan Ripley's picture Ryan Ripley
veggies and gems Alternate Testing Models: A Tale of Veggies and Precious Gems

As if working at Lego isn’t fun enough, Sherri Sobanski delights in finding new ways to test. Faced with a situation requiring a complete product redesign, she shares the route her team took to overhaul testing.

Sherri Sobanski's picture Sherri Sobanski
Naga Jayadev Accelerate Testing and Development with Continuous Delivery: An Interview with Naga Jayadev

In this interview, Naga Jayadev of CA Technologies digs into continuous delivery, continuous testing, DevOps, and virtualization. He explains what he does at CA Technologies, the trends when it comes to testing, and the value of velocity within your development lifecycle.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Collocated East Logo Build Adaptable Teams: The Marine Corps Way

Shrinking budgets, increased workloads, and ever-changing demands challenge today’s product teams to adapt and learn to do more with less. Since its birth in 1775, the United States Marine Corps has faced similar trials. The key to the Corps’ survival—not unlike that of a product team—has...

Anne Steiner
Collocated East Logo Enable Your Workers … You’ll Be Amazed What They Can Do

It’s as true today as it was in 1986 when W. Edwards Deming published Out of the Crisis and wrote, “Remove barriers that rob people … of their right to pride of workmanship.” Companies everywhere implement processes, hire staff, and install tools to help them meet their business objectives.

Bob Jarvis


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