
Better Software Magazine Articles

DevOps 2017 Is a Pivotal Year for DevOps

Customers expect real-time software updates. As DevOps becomes the engine for delivering business value, continuous innovation is needed. And this has to begin at the start of every project.

Eric Robertson's picture Eric Robertson
Mobile Dev Test Tricks and Tips for Adding Localization Features to Your Mobile Apps

The fact that 60 percent of all iPhone users worldwide are non-native English speakers is just one reason for supporting people from many countries and regions in your apps. Even if multi-language applications are not called for, localization features for single language apps will improve...

Shawn Larson
Mobile Dev Test Fun with Enterprise iOS Apps

Can building an enterprise app be fun? Not “fun” in the sense of “if this is fun, we’re having it”—but actual, joyful, enthusiastic fun? Join Joe Keeley to explore how to find fun in the development lifecycle of iOS apps in enterprise environments, and (not coincidentally) how to deliver...

Joe Keeley
Mobile Dev Test Harnessing Digital Services to Improve Driver Experience at BMW

The world is demanding more from cars. No longer merely a way to get around, modern vehicles have become authentic pieces of technological art—equipped with numerous sensors and capabilities that are gradually transforming the very meaning of the word ‘vehicle’. BMW wanted to get ahead...

Jorge Coca
Mobile Dev Test The IoT: Internet of Threats?

From connected elevators to smart cars, the Internet of Things (IoT) is all around us, even in ways we're not aware of. The devices make our lives easier, encourage us to exercise, and save time and resources--but at what cost? With current computer and mobile technology, the main threat...

Christopher Poulin
Mobile Dev Test A Screenless Future Is Closer Than You Think

Somewhere near you is a device with a screen. You can’t live without that device. In fact, you are reading this right now on that—or another—device. Within a few years, the screens that we so depend on today will begin to disappear. After all, we are analog creatures, and we are meant to...

Dona Sarkar
Mobile Dev Test Intel® Curie™ Open Developer Kit (ODK): A Primer—Part 1

Whether you are a maker enthusiast who is just getting started or a seasoned developer wanting to jump into embedded device development, this session is for you. Oliver Chen covers the Intel Curie ODK (CODK) and how it can help you rapidly prototype products by leveraging tools familiar...

Oliver Chen
Mobile Dev Test UI Framework Prototyping with Playgrounds for iOS Apps

Frameworks are a powerful tool for sharing code between applications and extensions. Playgrounds are an awesome tool for quickly trying out code in Swift. Keeping a tight feedback loop with designers can be difficult. So, how can you combine the powerful and the awesome to help keep your...

Ellen Shapiro
Mobile Dev Test Ensuring the Happy Path: Automated Developer Testing for Mobile Apps

Is there anything worse than trying to fix that one small bug, declaring it fixed, and then realizing “the fix” caused another bug somewhere else in your app? And there it is, one more bug and you are at it again. The small voice in your head says if only you had automated tests. We know...

Josiah Mory
Mobile Dev Test Connected Devices, Connected Code, and Connected Teams: The Challenges of IoT Software Delivery

Developing software for the Internet of Things (IoT) comes with its own set of challenges and issues, including security, privacy, and unified standards. Each IoT product is comprised of (at least) three separate application components: the software embedded in the device, the backend...

Anders Wallgren


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