

Can agile development used for brownfield projects? If Yes then what could be the issues?

Ususally agile development is used for new or geenfield projects but what if this development is used for existing or brownfield projects. What issues could agile development team face while working with exisiting project?

asim ali's picture asim ali
Culture Change with Visual Management Creating a Culture Change with Visual Management

Have you heard the old maxim “What gets measured gets done”? Management expert Peter Drucker said it, and here, Bill Donaldson shows us how a smart manager uses visual management to apply measurement to change what gets done.

Bill Donaldson's picture Bill Donaldson
which is best tool for project management?

Now a day lots of Open Source Agile tool available in the market but i am confuse which Scrum Web Tool i use? i suggest some tool



2.Scrum Backlog Tool


Mrugesh Panchal's picture Mrugesh Panchal
Software programmer Iris Classon So You Want to Become a Developer? An Interview with Iris Classon

Iris Classon explains her decision to become a software programmer and shares the amazing amount she was able to learn in a very short period of time. Learn how agility played an invaluable role in the process and how you, too, can achieve software success.

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Rob Bowley shares his Agile Retrospective Resource wiki The Agile Retrospective Wiki: An Interview with Rob Bowley

The Agile Retrospective Resource Wiki provides an opportunity for agile practitioners to collaborate, share information, and gain new ideas about how to continuously improve not just the benefits from retrospectives, but also the processes behind the practice.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Agile Is Cheaper, Right? Agile Is Cheaper, Right?

Kenneth Grant explains whether or not being agile is really as cheap for an organization as its proponents claim it to be. Agile’s relentless focus on business value and just-enough work can help teams identify waste—or poor return on investment (ROI) requirements—and gives them the opportunity to change it or leave it out all together.

Kenny Grant's picture Kenny Grant
Software professional and Open Space facilitator Steven Doc List Listen to What You're Saying!: An Interview with Steven "Doc" List

Steven "Doc" List and Noel Wurst sit down for what starts as a standard interview about communication skills but quickly evolves into a fascinating conversation that reveals a lot about what we're saying—and what we should be saying. You may be surprised at just how much you have to learn.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Things Change (and So Should Processes)

Much like the VCRs of yesteryear, our software development processes are not going to last forever. They’ll fall out of favor, while new and stronger concepts replace them. Jonathan Kohl writes about coping with process evolution in the quest to improve software.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl
Keynote: Magnificence: Culture Hacking, the Common Platform, and the Coming Golden Era

A culture is the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that both describes and shapes a group. The unique challenges of creating software have demanded totally new types...

Jim McCarthy, McCarthy Technologies Inc.
Building Customer Feedback Loops: Learn Quicker, Design Smarter

Listening to your customers is critical to developing better software. Their feedback enables you to stay in sync with customer expectations, to make changes before those changes become costly, and to pivot if necessary. Sharif shares five practical tips for building, capturing, and scaling..

Sherif Mansour, Atlassian


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