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The Whole Product[article]

It's easy to split user-experience experts and software architects into different categories and still grant them equal importance; the former deals with the façade of the software while the latter deals with the workings beneath the surface. This separate, but equal attitude changed for Jeff Patton after attending a workshop in which his eyes opened to an epiphany of holism in software development. From this enlightened moment, Jeff realized a way software development could change for the better.

Jeff Patton's picture Jeff Patton
Incorporating Part-time Team Members[article]

"Part-timers just don't seem to fit in with the team," a manager complained to Esther Derby recently. "I do everything I can to impress on them the importance of teamwork and team spirit, but they just don't gel with the team. What can I do to motivate these people to fit in?" In this column, Esther Derby reveals the truth of the part-timers' mindset and what you can do to motivate this group.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
Agile Coaching in British Telecom[article]

Over the last two years BT Exact, British Telecom#39;s IT organization, has been going through a radical organizational transformation. A central plank of this transformation has been BT Exact adoption of an Agile approach for systems delivery. When BT began to look at how you transform an organization of approximately 14,000 people to become an Agile organization, the size and complexity of BT seemed to be an issue. One challenge faced was how to support this size of a transformation from a coaching perspective. That is, how do you leverage a relatively small finite coaching resource so that it can be effective? This article will chart ongoing journey to address the need for Agile coaches and how "jam" proved to be inspiration along the way!

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Scaling Agile Development via Architecture[article]

Every system has an architecture, even systems developed using agile methodologies. Whether you attempt to define that architecture up front in detail or whether it emerges over time is up to you. My experience is that most agile teams follow a strategy somewhere between these two extremes. That strategy, combined with proving your architectural ideas as soon as possible through working code. This article summarizes a collection of strategies for addressing architectural concerns on agile projects and discusses how such strategies can be applied to scale agile methods to large development efforts.


Scott W. Ambler's picture Scott W. Ambler
Simple Ain't Easy: Software Design Myths and Realities[magazine]

The definition of "simple design" varies from person to person. But achieving simplicity isn't just about maintaining simple point solutions.

Brad Appleton's picture Brad Appleton
A Look at VMware[magazine]

The more complicated the system to test, the bigger the headache. Chris Meisenzahl takes a look at how you can take the pain out of testing complicated software systems with VMware’s virtualization tools—VMware Player, VMware Workstation, VMware Server, and VMware ESX Server.

Christopher J. Meisenzahl
The Best-Laid Plans[magazine]

It's a fact of life that plans change, but the proper implementation of agile and release planning can get you back on track. Just be sure to keep the communication lines open and clear throughout the process. Stacia Broderick tells the tale of a department as it works out its kinks in the best interest of its customers.

Stacia Broderick
Rhetoric, Religion, and a Better Way[magazine]

With Apple's conversion to Windows-capable, Intel-based architecture as his jumping off point, Tod Golding takes a look at how we tend to view new technologies through our old perceptions. As technology evolves for the better, he explains, we too must grow out of old rhetoric.

Tod Golding's picture Tod Golding
Metrics You Can Bet On[magazine]

An old adage says that you cannot manage what you cannot measure, but Mike Cohn thinks differently. Here, he offers suggestions on when to use metrics and when you can manage without, as well as some guidelines to help you choose your metrics carefully.

Mike Cohn's picture Mike Cohn
Get in the Game: Agile Lessons from Video Game Developers[magazine]

From providing the likes of Pong boxes to a tiny, niche market to creating graphic-intensive productions that rival the income of Hollywood's box office, the video game industry has boomed in a very short period of time. Find out how agile methods helped one video game studio make the transition.

Clinton Keith
Speaking Truth to Power: How to Break The Bad News[magazine]

There comes a time in every software professional's career when telling the truth to someone in power becomes an issue. It can be a difficult situation, but it's far worse to keep silent. Norm Kerth offers some helpful advice on speaking up in ways that are tactful and sincere.

Norm Kerth
X Marks the Test Case: Using Mind Maps For Software Design[magazine]

If you've run through the standard design approaches and still need that killer test case, try mind maps.

Robert Sabourin's picture Robert Sabourin
Open Source Tools for Web Application Performance Testing[presentation]

OpenSTA is a solid open-source testing tool that, when used effectively, fulfills the basic needs of performance testing of Web applications. Dan Downing will introduce you to the basics of OpenSTA including downloading and installing

Dan Downing, Mentora Inc
Preparing the Test Team to Go Agile[presentation]

When we read about agile development, we find developers using nUnit for unit testing while customers are using FIT for acceptance tests. But where are the testers? You know--those folks who have years of experience in testing.

Janet Gregory, DragonFire Inc.
Measuring the End Game of Software Project - Part Deux[presentation]

The schedule shows only a few weeks before product delivery. How do you know whether you are ready to ship? Test managers have dealt with this question for years, often without supporting data.

Mike Ennis, Savant Tecnology


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