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Management Networking[presentation]

Sometimes, it feels as if you're the only test/development/projectmanager/director/VP you know with your particular problems. But I can guarantee you this-you're not alone. If you have problems you'd like to

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
ISTQB Certification: Setting the Standard for Tester Professionalism[presentation]

A good test certification program confirms, through objective exams, the knowledge and professional capabilities of software testers. The International

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting
Testing Web Applications for Security Defects[presentation]

Approximately three-fourths of today’s successful system security breaches are perpetrated not through network or operating system security flaws, but through

Brian Christian, SPI Dynamics Inc
Introducing Test Automation: The Pain and Gain of the First Year[presentation]

Are you contemplating moving from totally manual testing to automated testing? Andy Redwood shares a case study of a leading financial organization in the UK that did exactly that. Their goal was to automate testing using the

Andy Redwood, Neutrino Systems
A Risk-Based Approach to End-to-End System Testing[presentation]

You've performed unit, integration, functional, performance, security, and usability testing. Are you ready to go live with this new application? Not unless you've performed end-to-end system testing.

Marie Was, CNA Insurance Co
Step Away from the Tests: Take a Quality Break[presentation]

Designing, implementing, and executing tests is critically important, but testers sometimes need to take a break. John Lambert describes four un-testing techniques that can quickly improve quality: watching bugs, helping

John Lambert, Microsoft Corporation
Building a Fully-Virtualized Test Lab[presentation]

For many organizations, creating a testing environment to replicate every combination of hardware and software that their users have is cost prohibitive.

Ian Robinson, VMware
Testing for the Five Most Dangerous Security Vulnerabilities[presentation]

Today, secure applications are vital for every organization. Security attacks seem to come from every corner of the globe. If your applications are breached, your organization could lose millions.

Joe Basirico, Security Innovation LLC
Ruby And WATIR: Your New Test Automation Tools[presentation]

Ready to start writing your own test scripts? Not sure of what tools to use? Kalen Howell discovered Ruby, a powerful scripting language that is easy to learn. Using Ruby led Kalen to WATIR, an open source tool written in Ruby.

Kalen Howell, LexisNexis
Implementing a Final Regression Test Process[presentation]

After applications move into production, it is vital that subsequent additions or modifications are thoroughly tested and that the entire system is re-tested to ensure that it still functions after these changes.

Jeff Tatelman, Avaya
Quantifying the Value of Your Testing to Management[presentation]

Congratulations, you're a true testing expert. You know all there is to know about test planning, design, execution and reporting, performance tests, usability tests, regression tests, agile, SCRUM, and all the rest. But it’s still

Arya Barirani, Mercury
Software Disasters and Lessons Learned[presentation]

Software defects come in many forms--from those that cause a brief inconvenience to those that cause fatalities.

Patricia McQuaid, Cal Poly State University
Security Testing: From Threat to Attack to Fix[presentation]

Based on his years of experience in security testing, Julian Harty believes that most system stakeholders don't understand-or even recognize-the need for security testing. Perhaps they will pay an external consultant to perform an

Julian Harty, Google, Inc.
STARWEST 2006: Positioning your Test Automation Team as a Product[presentation]

Test automation teams are typically created with the expectation of facilitating faster testing and higher product quality. To achieve these goals, the test

Satya Mantena, Nielsen Media Research
Back to the Beginning: Testing Principles Revisited[presentation]

In 1976, Glenford Myers listed a set of testing principles in his book Software Reliability. Computing has changed dramatically since those days! iPods have more computing power than the Apollo spacecraft. Testing has even been

Erik Petersen, Emprove


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