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Agile06 - Mary Lynn Manns - Fearless Chage and Agile 2007[article]

Mary Lynn Manns is the co-author of Fearless Change and the chair of the Agile 2007 Conference.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Agile06 - Dot Tudor - Agile Europe/UK and DSDM[article]

Dot Tudor is a practicioner of DSDM, one of the early Agile Methodologies that has taken hold in Europe and the UK but has not made the jump to the states yet. DSDM has a more formalized prioritization process that is refered to as the MoSCoW process - Must Have- Should Have- Could Have - Won't Have.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Introducing XP Turns Waterfall Project Around[article]

Conventional wisdom is that complex projects involving large groups of engineers can not benefit from the application of Agile techniques. Certain Agile practices, when properly used, can benefit even relatively large development projects with large teams. What's even more interesting, these practices can be introduced in "mid-stream" with little preparation to large teams of "old school" developers. These developers may initially resist the methodology, but the Agile practices still win people over and bring tremendous results in productivity, product quality, and team morale in a very short period of time.  

Peter Vaihansky's picture Peter Vaihansky
Combining Agile Processes in Offshore Software Development[article]

In modern software development there are two trends that allow people to get more for less: agile development and offshore outsourcing. Agile processes are traditionally implemented in one site, where customers and developers can meet face-to-face and communicate easily. Offshore development projects, on the other hand, are traditionally implemented as fixed-bid consulting agreements, executed either using waterfall processes or at best in iterative way. However, it is possible to use agile software development process when working with offshore teams. Our successful projects have employed a mix of agile techniques and organizational models.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Enterprise Agile Adoption: The Role of Audits[article]

Organization-wide continuous improvement programs that notably include an agile adoption and It compliance function can play a vital role in driving the levels of collaboration and reuse necessary to achieving scale. Audits can directly contribute to collaboration and knowledge reuse among agile teams.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Geographically Challenged[magazine]

Office politics are a fact of life in the workplace, but they sometimes spill over and affect employees' lives outside the office as well. In this tale by Leonidas Hepis, office politics endanger a QA team member's work and her family time.

Leonidas Hepis
I'm Tired of Finding Bugs[magazine]

After thirteen years as a tester, Alan Page is tired of finding bugs. While he still enjoys testing, he'd rather the bugs be prevented altogether. Read his article to find out how increase quality and decrease bugs earlier in the cycle.

Alan Page's picture Alan Page
A Look at[magazine]

Getting approval for time and resources is a big challenge. Geoff Horne takes a look at how can help provide test managers with fair and reasonable estimates.

Geoff Horne
Tapping into Testing Nirvana[magazine]

As the initial, positive vibes of unit testing begin to fade, Tod Golding goes in search of whatever it is that sends some developers into a seemingly ongoing state of unit-testing nirvana. Respect your unit tests, Grasshopper, and find your testing center.

Tod Golding's picture Tod Golding
The Blind Men and the Quality Elephant[magazine]

Lee Copeland takes a look at quality assessment through the filter of John Godfrey Saxe's poem "The Blind Men and the Elephant" and offers an important lesson: When assessing quality, make sure everyone on your project is looking for the same thing.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Test to Impress: Getting the Most Out of Ajax Developer Tools[magazine]

Ajax applications are very popular and can be flexible and dynamic, but only if you find the bugs first. Stuart Halloway has the details on tools that Ajax developers use and that will keep your applications dressed to the nines.

Stuart Halloway
QA All-Stars: Building Your Dream Team[magazine]

A testing team can mean success or failure for a project, but developing a team means more than putting a few people together and telling them to test something. Hans Buwalda shares his teambuilding experiences and gives some tips on how you can build the best team for the job.

Hans Buwalda's picture Hans Buwalda
Code Improvement: Five Practices to Help Spread the Joy of Great Code Design[magazine]

The software we produce is like the neighborhoods in which we live--the blueprints aren't as important as the enjoyment of simply using it. The best design brings joy to both those who create it and those who use it. Jeff Grover and Zhon Johansen detail five practices to help you spread the joy.

Jeff Grover
A Bug's Life[presentation]

The quality of software is directly related to the number and severity of bugs in software when it goes into production.

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants
The Power of Continous Integration with Automated Unit Tests[presentation]

Better, faster, cheaper-the mantra of many software methodologies and tools. Can it ever be true?

Jeffrey Fredrick, Agitar Software Inc


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