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APLN06 - Alexia Bowers - Leading from a Position of No Power[article]

In this podcast, Alexa Bowers, COO of Ternary Software, speaks about the challenges that customers face on an agile project. This unique perspective comes in the form of an experience report from the APLN Leadership summit at Agile 2006.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
A Metrics Dashboard to Drive Goal Achievement[presentation]

Some measurement programs with high aims fall short, languish, and eventually fail completely because few people regularly use the resulting metrics.

Wenje Lai, Cisco Systems Inc
Even the Best Get Stuck: Transitioning to Agile Developement[presentation]

For some organizations Agile methodologies like XP, Scrum, and Crystal work well off-the-shelf.

Alex Pukinskis, Rally Software Development
Why Are Requirements So Poorly Defined?[presentation]

Studies have shown that the quality of the requirements is one of the most important factors in the quality of an application and also in the time and costs required to deliver a system.

Richard Bender, Bender RBT Inc.
An Integrated Configuration Management System Revealed[presentation]

Many people talk about an end-to-end software development process in which requirements are developed and transitioned seamlessly into code with tests tracing back to the requirements.

Geree Streun, ANS
Better Software Conference 2006: Lightning Talks: A Potpourri of 5-Minute Presentations[presentation]

Lightning Talks are nine five-minute talks in a fifty-minute time period. Lightning Talks represent a much smaller investment of time than track speaking and offer the chance to try conference speaking without the heavy commitment.

Julie Gardiner, QST Consultants Ltd.
Testing the Nth Release[presentation]

Congratulations! Your team is entrusted with testing the next release of an excellent product, one your customers have depended on for years.

Susan McVey, IBM Rational Software
Code Coverage Myths and Realities[presentation]

You've made a commitment to automate unit testing as part of your development process or you are spending precious resources for automated functional testing at higher levels. You may be asking yourself: How good are those tests anyway?

Andrew Glover, Vanward Technologies
Better Software Conference 2006: Agile Development and Its Impact on Productivity[presentation]

Agile development projects are different. Sure, they still have high-level business requirements, but they usually lack system descriptions, technical design documents, and system architectures.

David Garmus, The David Consulting Group
User Stories for Better Software Requirements[presentation]

The technique of expressing requirements as user stories is one of the most broadly applicable techniques introduced by Extreme Programming.

Mike Cohn, Mountain Goat Software
How to Estimate Anything[presentation]

Given the choice between making an estimate of the time and resources to complete a project or getting root canal surgery, most of us would rush to the dentist’s office. We know that the pain of a root canal is short lived ...

Payson Hall, Catalysis Group Inc
Building Traceable UML Models[presentation]

While effective for modeling requirements, analysis, or design of a software system, UML diagrams are typically used in isolation or only for portions of a system.

Thomas Bullinger, ArchSynergy, Ltd.
Essential Software Quality Planning[presentation]

An old-yet still true-saying is "You can't test quality into a software product." By planning for the quality expected in your software, your team and management will focus on the big picture-integrating development methods, the test processe

Tony Raymond, New Harbor Technical Management
Integrating Security into the Development Lifecycle[presentation]

Software security is neither a development problem nor an IT operations problem. Rather, it is a paramount business problem requiring a multidisciplinary approach that minimizes organizational risk when delivering software products.

Ryan English, SPI Dynamics Inc
Leadership - The Forgotten Element of Agile Development[presentation]

We often hear about the difficulties and failures surrounding Agile methodologies. Articles describe everything from team and execution issues to the inadequacy of Agile methods on large projects and failures in large organizations.

Michael Portwood, Spectra Intelligent Marketing, Inc


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