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Building a Responsive Testing Team[presentation]

Where do you begin when building a testing team? Who should you look for and what personal skills and qualifications should they have? How do you keep testers once you get them?

Jack Cook, Qwest Communications International, Inc.
Five Reasons Why Your Inspection Program May Fail[presentation]

We've all heard that inspection is one of the best ways to improve quality and productivity, yet in our industry, sustained consistent usage of inspection has been elusive.

Brian Lawrence, Coyote Valley Software
Automation in Web Testing[presentation]

Observe how one company developed a comprehensive testing suite for a Web site that included functional, integration, and stress testing.

Reinhard Weiss, Further Inspection
Should This Test Be Automated?[presentation]

For the decision to automate a test to be a good one, the value of re-running the test must exceed the cost to automate it. People often measure value and cost in the wrong terms.

Brian Marick, Reliable Software Technologies
Planning is the First Ingredient in the Test Recipe[presentation]

This presentation focuses on test planning activities at the beginning of a project.

Bruce Swahlan, Harris Information Systems
Event-Based Test Generation for Distributed Systems[presentation]

Examine how a fundamental test design approach can simplify both modeling and scripting. Such an approach allows test cases to be generated for testing of functionality, capacity, concurrency, and performance using various execution tools.

David Carman, Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
Stepwise Improvement of the Test Process[presentation]

This presentation deals with the Test Process Improvement (TPI) Model, which is based on current state-of-the-art test process improvement practices.

Martin Pol, IQUIP Informatica B.V.
Security Testing for E-Commerce Applications[presentation]

It seems that everyone is creating e-commerce applications these days with security being one of the greatest issues.

Jonathan Beskin, Reliable Software Technologies
A Model for Successful Software Testing Automation[presentation]

SAIC was tasked with automating the regression testing for a very large customer order processing system containing multiple screens with hundreds of interactive entries and options.

Greg Wust, SAIC
Automated Test Generation[presentation]

The challenge: Reduce the testing interval without reducing quality. One answer: Find a new way to approach test design and test generation. Learn about a new approach in automated test generation currently in use at Lucent Technologies.

James Clarke, Lucent Technologies
Teamwork Does Work![presentation]

USA Group's 7.8 MLOC (million lines of code) EAGLE II education loan system development project required a change in culture as well as a combination of unique methods to ensure a quality product.

James Putka, USA Group
Testing at a Web Start-up[presentation]

Learn how this Web application start-up company developed an innovative testing strategy that included automated testing of its rapidly changing Web application.

Brad Thompson, Commerce One
Life as a CMM Level 5 Test Organization[presentation]

Quality, timeliness, cost-effectiveness-for years, software professionals have believed you cannot have all three. Bellcore has proven otherwise as John Romanak demonstrates in this presentation on Bellcore's approach to software quality.

John Romanak, Telcordia Technolgies, Inc.
Generating Test Cases with Specification Description Language (SDL) and Message Sequence Charts (MSC)[presentation]

In this case study, observe how Nortel developed an entire testing environment to test switches that meet both the International Telecommunications Union standards and their customers' requests.

Ellie Cohen
Testing Undocumented Software Under Impossible Deadlines[presentation]

Years after Cem Kaner's book Testing Computer Software, it is still common to work on software projects with light documentation and very tight schedules.

Cem Kaner, Ph.D., J.D.


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