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Use Case Derived Test Cases[presentation]

Use cases are used to specify the required functionality of an object-oriented system. Test cases that are derived from use cases take advantage of the existing specification to ensure good test coverage of the system.

Dave Wood, Harris Corporation
Stress Testing Enterprise-wide SAP Applications[presentation]

Based on real-life examples, this presentation examines the overall approach to stress testing an enterprise-wide global application using SAP.

Mike Swanson, Guidant Corporation
Evolution of a Management Tool for Manual Tests[presentation]

A test management tool is essential, even for manual tests, to ensure quality software. The process of finding the best tool, however, can all too often be an overwhelming task.

Sarah Pagel, McHugh Software International
STAREAST 1999: Test Estimation[presentation]

How often have you been asked the question, "When will system testing be completed?" without knowing the final scope of the functionality, when the system will be ready for testing, and what test resources are available.

Ross Collard, Collard & Company
Case Studies Testing Third Party Software[presentation]

Testing software can be a daunting task under normal circumstances. When a third party develops the software, managing the software test process can become nearly impossible.

Samuel Shore, Sony Electronics, Inc.
Getting Buy-In for Acceptance Testing[presentation]

Experienced testers know that acceptance testing is important, but often only the testers appear to be really concerned.

Geoff Quentin, QBIT Limited
A Low-Tech Testing Dashboard[presentation]

One of the fundamental problems in testing is reporting progress in a way that non-testers and busy executives can understand and use.

James Bach, Consultant
How to Hire a QA Person[article]

This article provides a guide for hiring a Software Quality Assurance (SQA) specialist. It provides tips on what questions to ask and what problems to avoid in order to hire the right person.

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Get More Out of Existing Tests[presentation]

Learn how to leverage the defect-finding and confidence-building power of existing tests by inducing changes that should make no difference to results.

Richard Schooler, InCert Software Corporation
How to Get Developers to Unit Test[presentation]

Test managers often lament that developers fail to thoroughly unit test their code. Bill Pearce covers techniques to sell the need for unit testing, implement guidelines and entry criteria, and reduce inter-department friction.

Bill Pearce, Corbel
Creating Testable Requirements[presentation]

A project manager strides purposefully into your office. "This disk has the latest and greatest release of our software. Please test it. Today.” You say, "Okay, sure ...

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Database Design for Test Information Management[presentation]

Every test organization must report its findings in a concise, timely, and comprehensive way. Using a relational database to manage test information can dramatically reduce the cost and effort of such reporting.

Stephen Liss, Motorola
Understanding Test Oracles[presentation]

To get value from test execution, the results must be determined and evaluated. This presentation describes the dimensions and alternative approaches to results.

David Gelperin, Software Quality Engineering
Mutation Testing: A New Approach to Automatic Error-Detection[presentation]

Mutation Testing is a proven and powerful method for finding errors in software programs.

Adam Kolawa, ParaSoft Corporatin
Test Coaching-- Helping Users and Developers with Early Testing[presentation]

All too often, we wait to involve the testing and user groups until it is too late and quality is a dream instead of a reality.

Shelley Auld, USA Group


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