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Rethinking Requirements[presentation]

In my travels, I see many different views about what
requirements are, and how to deal with them. There are more and less useful ways to view
requirements. I believe many people could be thinking about

Brian Lawrence, Coyote Valley Software
A Method for Test Machine Setup for Multiple Operating Systems[presentation]

Software testing is becoming more involved all the time: products involve more components; automation tools are used more often; and testing is required on more than one operating system, version, or language.

Rick Smith, IBM
Measuring Ad Hoc Testing[presentation]

Many testers discover most of their bugs through a free-form exploration of a product called ad hoc testing. Ad hoc testing, however, can be difficult to manage.

Jonathan Bach, Satisfice, Inc.
Creating a Test Plan Database for Standardized Tests Across Multiple Nodes[presentation]

Most test databases on the market today offer the ability to enter tests in a linear style without the ability to easily repeat the same tests for many different nodes.

Colleen Sherman
Use Your Host Computer--To Test[presentation]

What if we could find a way that would allow us to create tests that worked as well (or better) in an open system environment. This would make the same tests available to anyone and not restrict them to only the tester.

Bill Robson, WRQ
From Failure to Success: Using Testing and Requirements Management[presentation]

A multi-million dollar project on the verge of failure was given one last effort to create a winning team who could establish a definitive process around requirements management, automated testing, and quality assurance.

Tony O'Neill, Eli Lilly and Company
Don't Just Do Something, Stand There![article]

Maybe you're the kind of person who attacks a problem as soon as it crops up. Many times, it's good to act fast. But for a different point of view, read this week's column by Don Gray, who advises us to "take ten" and evaluate a situation before making a response.

Don Gray's picture Don Gray
Cognitive Illusions in Development and Testing[presentation]

We are all familiar with optical illusions: we see something that turns out to be not as it first appeared. We are subject to self-deception in technical areas as well, which is referred to as cognitive illusions.

Dorothy Graham, Grove Consultants
The Complexities of Testing E-Commerce Applications: An Online Brokerage Example[presentation]

The rapidly changing world of e-commerce applications poses a variety of challenges to software testing organizations.

Michael Rubin, Fidelity Investments
STAREAST 2000: The Business Case for Software Quality[presentation]

Each generation of technology-mainframe to client/server to Internet-creates opportunity. It also creates increased risks. Improving the development and testing infrastructure can be a significant investment.

Richard Bender, Technology Builders, Inc.
Performance Testing E-Commerce Web Systems[presentation]

Performance testing of e-commerce Web systems is critical to the effectiveness of Web sites. Michael Hagen describes how Vanguard went through extensive load testing in preparation for the Y2K weekend.

Michael Hagen, The Vanguard Group
STAREAST 2000: A Risk-Based Test Strategy[presentation]

Testing information systems should be based on the business risks to the organization using these information systems. In practice, test managers often take an intuitive approach to test coverage for risks.

Ingrid Ottevanger, IQUIP Informatica
Automated Testing for Web-Based Applications[presentation]

As Web applications have proliferated, they also have grown in complexity. Automated testing for Web-based applications is in high demand due to limited resources and shorter time-to-market.

Yang Lu, Kent Ridge Digital Labs
The Indispensable Test Team: Gaining and Maintaining Value in 2000 and Beyond[presentation]

Although testers and Quality Assurance (QA) managers have historically found themselves to be the last hired and the first fired, the Y2K problem has brought testing and testers to the forefront of application development.

Terrye Ashby, Pointe Technology Group, Inc.
STAREAST 2000: Automated Testing of Embedded Software[presentation]

Automating testing for embedded systems has been a real problem in the past. The only option was a customized approach, which is expensive and very risky.

Jim Kandler, Baxter Healthcare Inc.


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