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Guerilla Software Metrics: Leaving the Developers Alone[presentation]

This presentation describes an approach to initiating and conducting a metrics program that takes advantage of existing measurement/tracking infrastructure without adding significant extra tasks and reporting responsibilities.

Scott Duncan, SoftQual Consulting
Establishing a SEI Capability Maturity Model Level 3 Metrics Program--And Living to Tell About It[presentation]

Metrics are foundational to CMM Levels 3, 4, and 5. However, introducing all of the metrics required by CMM Level 3 into your organization can seem like an insurmountable task.

Greg Parent, EDS
A Comparison of IBM's and Hewlett Packard's Defect Classification[presentation]

In this presentation, Jon Huber examines metrics obtained from categorizing the same set of defects using both IBM's Orthogonal Defect Classification and Hewlett Packard's Origins, Types, and Modes.

Jon Huber, Hewlett Packard
User Errors Are Not Software Bugs[presentation]

Traditional practices of user feedback are inefficient because they do not incorporate vital information about user errors.

Avi Harel, ErgoLight Ltd.
Using Software Measurement to Effect Change[presentation]

Using a real-life case study, Jeanette Horan presents how the search for product quality improvement at Lotus led to the realization that the software measurement process needed to be changed to drive organizational priorities.

Jeanette Horan, Lotus Development Corporation
Interpreting Graphical Defect Trend Data[presentation]

Evaluation of graphical defect trend data can dramatically increase your ability to predict current project quality, schedule milestone compliance, and provide historical data for proper test and development scheduling of later revisions.

Jim Olsen, Novell, Inc.
Adaptive Software Development[presentation]

Adaptive Software Development (ASD) is targeted for software teams where competition creates extreme pressure on the delivery process.

Jim Highsmith, Information Architects, Inc.
Estimation for the Savvy Project Manager[presentation]

The most critical estimate in the life of a project is the first estimate at project planning or initiation.

Douglas Muir, Software Productivity Centre Inc.
What to Do When the Right Person Doesn't Come Along[presentation]

Finding just the right technical person remains a challenge. Waiting for just the right person to come along, or hiring someone with inadequate skills, can often result in late or high-defect projects.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Estimating and Tracking Software Size without Lines of Code or Function Points[presentation]

Sandee Guidry explains the processes that were used to effectively manage projects at Defense Financial Accounting System (DFAS).

Sandee Guidry, DOD/DFAS/SEOPE
Rooting Out System Bottlenecks in Web Applications[presentation]

One of the toughest challenges in testing and quality assurance today is eliminating the performance "bottlenecks" in your Web system. This session highlights a number of common problems that affect most Web systems.

Chris Nolan, Empirix, Inc.
Automating Reusable Test Designs[presentation]

Vendors and gurus agree that having a structured testing methodology is key to gaining maximum advantage from automated testing, but what this means in practice isn't always clear.

Robin Goldsmith, Go Pro Management, Inc.
Tuning Application Performance in Production[presentation]

Even applications that have gone through rigorous testing in QA tend to have serious performance problems in production. Nearly every CIO or production manager has horror stories of applications that went live and failed.

David Gehringer, Mercury Interactive
Reliability Management With Continuous Automated Testing[presentation]

If you're in business today, then you're relying heavily on enterprise and eBusiness applications for your success. But given our dependence, these applications are being upgraded and customized constantly.

Rohit Gupta, Segue Software
Test, Observe, and Assess Embedded Applications During Development[presentation]

Facing the paradox of developing better applications faster, developers of real-time, embedded, and networked applications have no choice but to use automated testing and runtime observation technologies.

Vincent Encontre, Rational Software Corporation


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