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The W Model Strengthening the Bond Between Development and Test[presentation]

In software development, thirty to forty percent of all software activities are testing related. That is why it is critical to launch test activities at the beginning of the project rather than after coding is completed.

Andreas Spillner, Hochschule Bremen and Karin Vosseberg, Specialists
Enterprisewide Testware Architecture[presentation]

Testware: the stuff of which tests are made. The term comprises a bewildering range of artifacts including data files, scripts, expected results, specifications, and environment information.

Mark Fewster, Grove Consultants
Automated Web Testing Strategies[presentation]

As Web applications move from static content to dynamic transactions, the risk of failure increases while cycle time collapses.

Linda Hayes, WorkSoft
STAREAST 2002: A Case Study In Automating Web Performance Testing[presentation]

Key ideas from this presentation include: define meaningful performance requirements; changing your site (hardware or software) invalidates all previous predictors; reduce the number of scripts through equivalence classes; don't underestimate

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Investing Wisely: Generating Return on Investment from Test Automation[presentation]

Implementing test automation without following best practices and tracking your ROI is a prescription for failure.

Dale Ellis, TurnKey Solutions Corp.
STAREAST 2002: Writing Better Defect Reports[presentation]

Why is it some testers get a better response from developers than others? Part of the answer lies in their defect reports. But following a few simple guidelines can smooth the way for a much more productive environment.

Kelly Whitmill, IBM
A Crash Team Approach to Effective Testing[presentation]

Rapid changes and stunted delivery deadlines are always challenging software testers. To catch up, software testing must take a different approach without cutting corners-hence, the crash team.

Pei Ma, WeiMa Group LLC
Problems with Vendorscripts: Why You Should Avoid Proprietary Languages[presentation]

Most test tools come bundled with vendor-specific scripting languages that I call vendorscripts. They are hard to learn, weakly implemented, and most importantly, they discourage collaboration between testers and developers.

Bret Pettichord, Pettichord Consulting
Risk Analysis for Web Testing[presentation]

All Web sites take risks in some areas ... your job is to minimize your company's exposure to these risks. Karen Johnson takes you through a step-by-step analysis of a Web site to determine possible exposure points.

Karen Johnson, Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Test Automation of Distributed Transactional Services[presentation]

Distributed transactions are being implemented everywhere. Web services, EAI, and B2B are just a few examples. Testing these transactions across disparate systems-sometimes even across organizations and firewalls-is difficult, yet vital.

Manish Mathuria, Arsin Corporation
Adventures in Session-Based Testing[presentation]

This paper describes the way that a UK company controlled and improved ad-hoc testing, and was able to use the knowledge gained as a basis for ongoing, product sustained improvement.

James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions
Finding Firmware Defects[presentation]

Embedded systems software presents a different breed of challenges to the test professional than other types of applications.

Sean Beatty, High Impact Services Inc
Software Documentation Superstitions[presentation]

Do you need credible evidence that disciplined document reviews (a.k.a. inspections) can keep total project costs down while helping you meet the schedule and improve quality?

Gregory Daich, Software Technology Support Center
Going Beyond QA: Total Product Readiness[presentation]

The successful release of software requires more than just testing to ensure the product functions properly; success is also defined by how prepared the product is for advertisement, delivery, installation, training, support, etc.

Douglas Thacker, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group
Robust Design Method for Software Testing[presentation]

This session presents a robust design method based on the Taguchi Approach.

Madhav Phadke, Phadke Associates


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