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One Size Does Not Fit All[magazine]

For all of the effort we've made in the software field to find the best methodology, the best programming language, the best operating system, the best set of tools, even the best process maturity model—the search for the "best" is often futile. Robert L. Glass urges you to not be confined by a software approach that doesn't match your specific needs.

Robert L. Glass
Faults of Omission[magazine]

Brian Marick is obsessed with faults of omission in software code, and he thinks you should be too. In this Bug Report, Marick describes coding omissions, design omissions, and requirements omissions, and offers some ways to prevent (or at least test) them.

Brian Marick
A Race with Only Losers[magazine]

Collectively, problems related to resource sharing in multi-threaded, multi-processor, and distributed systems are termed "concurrency problems." Concurrency problems are further divided into several major subcategories such as deadlock, livelock, priority inversion, starvation, and race conditions. This article will focus on race conditions.

Dave Cline
A Look at Cost Xpert[magazine]

John Magill found Marotz's Cost Xpert 2.0 to meet his requirements, offer some important relevant program factors, and permit him to change or adjust the factors to establish an estimating window or boundaries, all at a competitive price.

John Magill
How to Control Software Changes[magazine]

A Configuration Control Board is a group of subject matter experts who help ensure planned and disciplined changes. Ronald Starbuck explains how important it is to use a Configuration Control Board and tells you how it works.

Ronald Starbuck
Time Management and the Art of Software[magazine]

Tried and true techniques for getting a grip on priorities and schedules can mean the difference between breaking your neck to get a passable software product out the door and emerging from a project with a quality product and a sane staff. Alyn Wambeke relays some software-specific time management suggestions.

Alyn Wambeke
A Look at TeamTrack 3.0, a Web-Based Defect Tracking Tool[magazine]

George Hamblen and Stephen Bailey look at TeamShare's TeamTrack 3.0, a Web-based defect tracking tool. TeamTrack offers a fully functional defect tracking system over a company intranet. Since all of the functionality is offered from the server, this means each desktop needs only a browser to access the system.

Not a Game of Random() Chance[magazine]

Online gaming poses a myriad of security risks. These hazards include various forms of player cheating and the possibility of unfair gaming software, in addition to the risks normally associated with any e-commerce business. Matthew Schmid describes a specific design flaw in an online poker game.

Matthew Schmid
A Test Manager's Resource Bank[magazine]

Despite the importance of general management topics, I'm going to stay away from them. There's too much out there, and I know too little about it. Instead, I'll concentrate on what's special about the job of managing testers and the test process.


Brian Marick
Perspectives from a New Software Tester[magazine]

Pam Hardy's goal in this article is to relay her experience as a new tester, in the hope that some of her perspectives will help other new testers navigate the waters of their new vocation.

Pam Hardy
What Are You Worth?[magazine]

Jerry Evans reports on Software Testing and QA compensation issues. He also provides a list of some of the best job sites on the Web for testers.

Jerry W. Evans, CSTE's picture Jerry W. Evans, CSTE
A Look at Network Testing with NIST Net[magazine]

Gene Sally looks at network testing with NIST Net. He concludes that NIST Net is a powerful tool, allowing you to emulate network conditions seldom occurring in your lab but nonetheless prevalent in the real world. You can reproduce the conditions in which your application fails, easing diagnosis and repair.

Gene Sally
A Look at McCabe IQ: Metrics Analysis and Code Coverage[magazine]

Gedaliah Friedenberg encourages developers and development managers to use the McCabe IQ tool to enhance their development process and deliver better software to QA.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
The Spirit of the Times[magazine]

Brian Marick points to Web resources and email lists that help keep you current with software and computing trends.

Brian Marick
My Summer as a Hacker[magazine]

Pete TerMaat shares some valuable lessons learned from a summer with "hacking legend" Richard Stallman. He learned that attitude, passion for one's work, was most important. Reviews, coding standards, porting guidelines, bug hunting advice, and other measures can fall flat without a passion for clean code, for "getting things right."

Pete TerMaat


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