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STARCANADA Testing Flaky No More: Find the Right Framework for Your Selenium Tests[presentation]

Selenium has an industry reputation of being a flaky tool where individual tests pass, then fail—sometimes with no production changes at all. Such flakiness in your test suites can be extremely difficult, time-consuming, and frustrating to debug. The vast majority of these issues come from...

Craig Schwarzwald
STARCANADA Testing The Three Pillars Approach to an Agile Testing Strategy[presentation]

Far too often, organizations focus solely on the development teams and their technical practices as their agile adoption strategy. And then there’s the near constant focus on acquiring development tools. Often the testing activity and the testing teams are left behind in agile adoption...

Bob Galen
STARCANADA Testing Behavior Driven Development—A Guide to Agile Practices[presentation]

It seems as if the agile methods have lots of DD’s going on. BDD – Behavior Driven Development, ATDD – Acceptance Test Driven Development and several others. Adopting BDD allows for testing to be done as early as possible in the software development life cycle, promoting accurate testing...

Josh Eastman
STARCANADA Testing Story Time for Testers[presentation]

Stories help us learn. They can be fun or scary, exciting or relaxing. People worldwide tell and listen to stories. We access them through books, film, TV, and computers. But direct, face-to-face storytelling is still a powerful experience. When Isabel Evans was young, there was a program...

Isabel Evans
Isabel Evans How Leaders Can Help Software Teams Thrive: An Interview with Isabel Evans[interview]

In this interview, Isabel Evans, a quality and testing consultant, talks about the traits most often seen in effective leaders. She details different leadership styles that work best in different situations, how you can learn to lead agile teams, and what leaders can learn from the animal kingdom.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Bridging the Bimodal Divide between Waterfall and Agile[magazine]

Most software developers are in either the agile or the waterfall camp. Agile is required to be competitive, but many enterprise processes still rely on waterfall practices for stability. They can coexist.

Steve Elliott's picture Steve Elliott
Ford Model T car Henry Ford: Master of Lean Agile Processes[article]

Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, was a captain of industry who revolutionized production. He also was one of the greatest influencers of the processes we call lean and kanban today. John Yorke believes Ford's ideas about process improvement made him a pioneer for systems thinking and agile software development.

John Yorke's picture John Yorke
The Secrets of High- Performance Software Teams The Secrets of High-Performance Software Teams[magazine]

Of all issues that impact getting quality products out on time, the team should never focus on simply managing costs. To minimize the risk of perpetual product delivery delays, define what “done” really means.

Steve Mezak's picture Steve Mezak
Jess Agile Improv Agile, Improv, and Learning How to Fail: An Interview with Jessie Shternshus[interview]

In this interview, Jessie Shternshus, the owner and founder of The Improv Effect, explains the similarities between agile development and improvisation. She details how, in both cases, team members need to learn how to support each other, build on work, and be comfortable with failure.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
The Space Shuttle Challenger launch Prevent Disaster by Righting Cultural Dysfunction on Your Team[article]

The space shuttles Challenger and Columbia were two of NASA's biggest disasters. Investigations into these accidents discovered the engineering issues responsible, but management practices and cultural barriers also were found to be contributing factors. Does your organization have a healthy culture that lets you safely voice concerns? It could help you prevent tragedy.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
STARWEST Testing The Secrets to Blazing-Fast, Rock-Solid Mobile Acceptance Testing[presentation]

Automated acceptance testing is an essential component of a healthy agile software development process. Unfortunately, attempts to adopt this approach in mobile often result in slow, brittle, and highly complex device tests, based on UI automation. This approach harms confidence in...

Paul Stringer
STARWEST Testing How Do I Get a Cool Job Like Yours? A Career Map for Testers[presentation]

When people hear about my past jobs, my career, and the many places I “work” (at foreign conferences and even on ski lifts), I often get the question “How do I get your job?” However, when people hear some of the details of my career, their reaction is “Gee, that’s a lot of work!” Well...

Jon Hagar
STARWEST Testing The Software Testing Pyramid: A Concrete Example[presentation]

Mike Cohn’s Test Pyramid describes a test automation strategy consisting of a wide base of unit tests, service-oriented acceptance tests for business logic, and a thin layer of tests exercising the user interface. Tests that provide the quickest feedback and fault precision serve as the...

Jim Weaver
STARWEST Testing What Does Continuous Testing Really Mean?[presentation]

You may have heard the term “continuous testing” and thought it was just the DevOps flavor of the month … or that it isn’t part of DevOps … or that it isn’t for cloud-based applications. Marianne Hollier says that continuous testing means adopting the right set of automated tests along...

Marianne Hollier
STARWEST Testing Social Skills: The Softer Side of Software Testing[presentation]

Communication breakdowns are a primary cause of IT project failure. Marcia Buzzella believes increasing the success rate of IT projects across waterfall, Agile, and DevOps methods requires a balance of social (soft) and technical (hard) capabilities to improve team performance.

Marcia Buzzella


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