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STARWEST Testing Testing and DevOps: Organizations and Their Culture Must Change[presentation]

The DevOps movement is here. Now, companies with mature systems are breaking down siloed IT departments and federating them into product development teams and departments. Testing and its practices are at the heart of these changes. Traditionally, development organizations have been...

Adam Auerbach
STARWEST Testing Agile Testing at Scale[presentation]

Mary Thorn has had the opportunity in the past twenty years to work at many startups, creating several QA/test departments from scratch. For the past ten years, she has done this in agile software companies. Recently Mary moved from leading small agile test organizations to leading a large...

Mary Thorn
STARWEST Testing Get Involved Early: A Tester’s Experience with Requirements[presentation]

Although requirements provide valuable information that informs and shapes testing, sometimes the information provided is incomplete or unclear. Join Julie Lebo as she shares her experience with requirements engineering and how she has integrated her testing group into the requirement...

Julie Lebo
STARWEST Testing Use Model-Based Testing to Navigate the Software Forest[presentation]

Even seemingly simple software systems can be a dense forest of intersecting logical pathways which may leave you wondering if your testing was robust enough. Traditional test cases are flawed since they only execute the pathways the tester considered at the time the test case was written...

Jon Fetrow
STARWEST Testing Blunders in Test Automation[presentation]

In chess, the word blunder means a very bad move by someone who should know better. Even though functional test automation has been around for a long time, people still make some very bad moves and serious blunders. The most common misconception in automation is thinking that manual...

Dorothy Graham
STARWEST Testing Machine Learning: Will It Take Over Testing?[presentation]

Machine learning (ML), a branch of artificial intelligence, is gaining widespread adoption and interest on software development projects. Paul Merrill says that ML isn't typical programming. Algorithms can be changed and checked for accuracy at runtime to “learn” from data. Some companies...

Paul Merrill
STARWEST Testing Globalization Testing for Cloud Products[presentation]

Every year, VMware has hundreds of releases for its virtualization products that cover data centers, networking, storage, cloud management, and digital workspace. Testing many different products while adapting to their development lifecycle introduces some special challenges for the...

Vincent Truong
STARWEST Testing Elegant Dev and Test Processes for a More Civilized Age[presentation]

Software engineering as a discipline has come a long way. For some teams, months-long cycles of dev-test-build-release have shrunk down to mere days—or even hours. In the fastest, leanest organizations, most testing happens in parallel with development as part of a slick, continuous...

Melissa Benua
STARWEST Testing What to Do—Develop Your Own Automation or Use Crowdsourced Testing?[presentation]

Modern software products tend to have a rich UI that supports many user workflows, all of which need to be covered in testing. Agile organizations quickly discover that manual end-to-end testing neither supports their velocity nor provides respectable regression coverage. A common...

Daria Mehra
STARWEST Testing Story Time for Testers[presentation]

Stories help us learn. They can be fun or scary, exciting or relaxing. People worldwide tell and listen to stories, and we access them through books, film, TV, and IT. But the direct experience of face-to-face storytelling is still a powerful experience. When Isabel Evans was young, there...

Isabel Evans
STARWEST Testing Manage Testing by Dependencies—Not Activities[presentation]

Traditionally, test management has focused on two areas—test planning and test execution. Test planning creates the test strategy and prepares test cases. Test execution focuses on who is responsible for and assigned to executing the respective test cases and logging defects. These views...

Jim Trentadue
STARWEST Testing Where Did My Testers Go? Test Management on Agile Projects[presentation]

Substantial confusion exists about the roles and responsibilities of test managers in an agile software development process. Agile seeks to streamline project management and leadership under the role of a ScrumMaster. So, what does this mean for test managers? How do they stay...

Jeffery Payne
STARWEST Testing Testing in the Year 2020: The Erosion of Governance, Management, and Excellence[presentation]

Competition is driving our business and IT partners to be ever more nimble. And Byron Glick and Jithesh Ramachandran say that the growing agility is eroding the old foundations of testing—test management, project governance, and centers of excellence. An organization pursuing lean startup...

Byron Glick
STARWEST Testing A Shift in Mindset: From Finding Defects to Preventing Them[presentation]

Although most software companies have adopted agile development, many still treat quality assurance as something that gets handled when coding is finished and ready for test. However, practicing this reactive approach to quality costs teams in rework, context switching, slower code release...

Oscar Gracia and Geordie Speake
STARWEST Testing Shift Left Testing: Going Beyond Agile[presentation]

The concept of “shifting testing left” in the software development lifecycle is not new. Shifting testing from manual to automated and then upstream into engineering is a driving factor in DevOps and agile software development. However, Michael Nauman wonders why test automation...

Michael Nauman


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