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Giving and Receiving Feedback: A New Imperative[presentation]

Giving and receiving feedback are tough for everyone. Who wants to criticize others or be criticized? Although managers have a duty to give honest feedback to staff and peers, many people resist change or differ on how to change—leading to interpersonal conflicts and impacting...

Omar Bermudez,
Build the Right Product Right: Transitioning Test from Critiquing to Defining[presentation]

Do you find yourself with limited influence over what gets shipped on products you test? Is your report card on product quality often ignored? Do you think you can contribute more? Join Gerard Meszaros as he describes ways to transition from approaching quality with brute force testing to...

Gerard Meszaros,
Managing Technical Debt[presentation]

Technical debt is slowing your software development projects. Any developer who has gone beyond version 1 has encountered it. Technical debt takes different forms, has many different origins, and does not always equate to bad code quality. Much of it is incurred due to the passage of...

Philippe Kruchten, Kruchten Engineering Services, Ltd.
Test Automation Strategies and Frameworks: What Should Your Team Do?[presentation]

Agile practices have done a magnificent job of speeding up the software development process. Unfortunately, simply applying agile practices to testing isn't enough to keep testers at the same pace. Test automation is necessary to support agile delivery. Max Saperstone explores popular test...

Gene Gotimer, Coveros, Inc.
Moving Beyond DevOps Hype[magazine]

DevOps can be characterized as the assembly line of building, testing, deploying, and updating enterprise applications. Many software development organizations may claim a comprehensive DevOps strategy, but Chris Riley believes that the only way to be successful is to use a DevOps framework.

Chris Riley's picture Chris Riley
Two birds: pair programming The Benefits of Pair Programming[article]

This article details a team’s experience in implementing pair programming as a way to get work done as part of its agile transformation. It delves into the many positive results from the pairing experiment, as well as some of the negatives that were encountered, and weighs whether developers think pair programming is a worthwhile endeavor.

Tim Groven's picture Tim Groven
Understanding Test Automation Patterns[magazine]

Automated testing is vital for every software development organization's quality assurance activities. Dorothy Graham and Seretta Gamba demonstrate how to classify issues that occur during test automation. The authors maintain that certain test results have root causes that can be categorized as patterns that require specific mitigation strategies.

Agile Development Conference West logo ADC West 2015 Keynote: Lean UX: Turn User Experience Design Inside Out[article]

When developing products, features, and enhancements, you have to have your customers’ best interests at heart. “We’re not just creating software,” speaker Jeff Patton said. “We’re changing the world.” You need to better understand the people you’re building things for, and the only way to do that is to spend more time with them.

Beth Romanik's picture Beth Romanik
Thinking Critically about Software Development BSC West 2015 Keynote: Better Thinking for Better Software: Thinking Critically about Software Development[article]

Software developer Laurent Bossavit delivered the second keynote presentation, about why we need to think more critically about software development. He began his presentation by saying his intention was to make you question what you know—or what you think you know.

Beth Romanik's picture Beth Romanik
Promote Continuous Improvement Using the Definition of Done to Promote Continuous Improvement[article]

The definition of done is much more than just a checklist for completeness—it can be a mechanism for determining where your product increment can be more complete by the end of your sprint. By using a discussion board with quadrants where you can sort sprint items, you can challenge yourself to see whether a task could be moved earlier in the lifecycle.

Charles Suscheck's picture Charles Suscheck
The Tester Role in the Agile Release Train[presentation]

In a classical agile team, testers and developers work together on feature teams to produce functioning software in each sprint. As enterprises scale up their agile adoption, the agile feature teams must work in concert with many other teams, such as component teams and system teams. They...

Malcolm Isaacs, HP
Cloud-Based, Automated Mobile App Testing for the Enterprise[presentation]

Mobile applications are now a required component of enterprise operations, with both consumers and workers relying on mobile technologies for communications and productivity. To ensure a functional, secure, and worthwhile mobile experience, enterprises must stay abreast of growing...

Joe Schulz, Orasi Software
Agile Dev, Better Software & DevOps Conference West 2015: Tips and Tricks for Building Secure Mobile Apps[presentation]

Mobile application development is now a mission-critical component of many IT organizations. Due to the security threats associated with mobile devices, it is critical that mobile applications are built—from the ground up—to be secure. However, many application developers and testers do...

Jeffery Payne, Coveros, Inc.
Comcast XFINITY Home: An Agile Case Study[presentation]

Today's mobile application development is a complex endeavor made more difficult by teams often working at cross purposes. Separation of roles and responsibilities leads to intricate technological and personnel dependencies that makes projects challenging. Mark Hashimoto shares personal...

Mark Hashimoto, Comcast
Integrating Agile and Traditional Projects in the Enterprise[presentation]

Is your organization using agile on some projects and classic waterfall on others? Are you concerned with integrating your agile projects into your current PMO, tool, and reporting structure? Are you afraid you might require two totally separate approaches? Steve Caseley believes you can...

Steve Caseley, Sensei Project Solutions


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