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Agile Noise Turn Up Your Agile Noise[article]

Usually noise has a negative connotation, but in this sense, noise means something that increases the team progress (i.e., velocity) and output (i.e., quality). Chaos is the negative side of noise and decreases velocity. Teams should know the importance of agile noise and handle the chaos in a right way at the time of transformation. Let’s explore agile noise and its benefits.

Trinadh Bonam's picture Trinadh Bonam
What Are the Key Components of an Effective Test Strategy?[magazine]

In this FAQ column, Lee Copeland defines a test strategy as a high-level plan to achieve specific test objectives and outlines the components an effective strategy should address.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Agile Magic Why Adopting Agile Won’t Magically Reduce Your IT Budget[article]

Of course, all companies would like to reduce their budgets. But cutting back in the IT department can have unintended consequences. This article looks at two of the more well-adopted cost-cutting approaches, the software factory and distributed teams, and goes into how they can help and hurt your company.

Mario Lucero's picture Mario Lucero
Hire the Right Developer[magazine]

Wondering why—with all the jobs you've applied for—you aren't getting noticed? Take it from Xojo CEO Geoff Perlman; it isn't just your programming or testing skills that will land you a job. Far from it. Geoff knows from experience that hiring the right individual is a careful blend of skill, fit, and passion.

Geoff Perlman's picture Geoff Perlman
Retrospectives Engaging Again Make Your Retrospectives Engaging Again[article]

After performing so many meetings at the ends of your sprints, agile retrospectives can become monotonous and boring—and that’s when they become ineffective. This article looks at the reasons this happens and provides some ideas for making those retrospective meetings more lively and effective—and therefore more useful.

Ledalla Madhavi's picture Ledalla Madhavi
Laurent Bossavit discusses how critical thinking benefits software development Better Thinking for Better Software: Thinking Critically about Software Development: An Interview with Laurent Bossavit[interview]

In this interview, software developer Laurent Bossavit talks about why we need to think more critically about software development. He dispels common misconceptions about the industry and suggests better ways to improve the development process, such as agile and lean methods.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Metrics Program Implementation: Pitfalls and Successes[presentation]

When we talk about product quality, test team efficiency, and productivity, we always talk numbers. However, very few companies implement metrics programs in a way that supports solid decision making. Many have tried and failed, leaving a negative impression of metrics. Kris Kosyk explains...

Kris Kosyk, SoftServe
Designing a Robust Test Strategy for Mobile Apps[presentation]

Every day thousands of mobile apps are built, and many are released with poor quality. Dozens of new mobile devices become available every day. Immense pressure mounts on organizations to test mobile apps with shorter go-to-market cycles. Mobile app testing becomes overwhelming...

Parimala Hariprasad, Amadeus Software Labs India Pvt. Ltd
STAREAST 2015: Leveraging Open Source Automation: A Selenium WebDriver Example[presentation]

As online activities create more revenue, organizations are turning to Selenium to test their web applications and to reduce costs. Since Selenium is open source, there is no licensing fee. However, as with purchased tools, the same automation challenges remain, and users do not have...

David Dang, Zenergy Technologies
Verify Complex Product Migrations with Automation[presentation]

In the world of agile, automation is king. When faced with testing multiple versions of software, either while migrating or supporting multiple versions in the field, many teams give up, convinced that automation cannot be achieved. Marquis Waller and Jeff Sikkink provide insights into how...

Marquis Waller, Ricoh, and Jeff Sikkink, Ricoh
Create Products That Customers Love: A Testing Perspective[presentation]

Have you ever stood in line at midnight to buy the latest release of a product? Have you worked on a product that created such delight in customers that they camped out overnight to be the first to buy it? Though this level of customer devotion is rare, it is possible to create everyday...

Steve Hares, eBay
Common System and Software Testing Pitfalls[presentation]

In spite of many great testing “how-to” books, people involved with system and software testing—testers, requirements engineers, system/software architects, system and software engineers, technical leaders, managers, and customers—continue to make many different types of testing-related...

Donald Firesmith, Software Engineering Institute
Testing Blockbuster Games: Lessons for All Testers[presentation]

We can all learn valuable lessons from game development where, in addition to functional performance, overall experiential quality—user experience (UX)—is of critical importance. Blockbuster game development presents particular challenges with regard to scale, rapid iteration, and fuzzy...

Tulay Tetiker McNally, BioWare Electronic Arts and Alex Lucas, BioWare Electronic Arts
Continuous Testing in the Cloud[presentation]

Are you looking to fulfill the promise of continuous delivery (CD), a process that accelerates the release of software through automation and the practice of continuous integration (CI)? Chris Broesamle can help with that. Explore how to create a full CD solution entirely in the cloud...

Chris Broesamle, Sauce Labs
STAREAST 2015: Risk-Based Testing for Agile Projects[presentation]

Many projects implicitly use some kind of risk-based approach for prioritizing testing activities. However, critical testing decisions should be based on a product risk assessment process using key business drivers as its foundation. For agile projects, this assessment should be both...

Erik van Veenendaal, Improve IT Services BV


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