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The Coming Avalanche of Wearable Mobile Apps[presentation]

For better or for worse—like it or not—mobile wearables are already changing our lives. Mobile wearable devices form a new generation of personalized technology that knows us better than our closest friends do. How many of your friends know how far you walked or what you ate? The challenge...

Philip Lew, XBOSoft
Today and Tomorrow: Mobile's Impact on Development and Testing[presentation]

There are more than 1.4 billion smartphones in the world—one for every 4.5 people on earth. Over the next decade wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT) will make those numbers look puny. In fact, mobile is transforming how people and things connect and dramatically changing software...

James Montemagno, Xamarin
Mastering Android Development Tools[presentation]

There are so many tools and tricks for developing Android apps, but which ones actually help when you're building apps day in and day out? Luke Wallace introduces the critical development tools you need and demonstrates how to use them to build real apps. Learn about the six critical tools...

Luke Wallace, Bottle Rocket
Mobile Dev + Test 2015: Tips and Tricks for Building Secure Mobile Apps[presentation]

Mobile application development is now a mission-critical component of IT organizations and a big part of software industry’s landscape. Due to the security threats associated with mobile devices, it is critical we build our apps—from the ground up—to be secure and trustworthy. However...

Jeffery Payne, Coveros, Inc.
A Look into the Future: App Testing and Quality in 2025[presentation]

In ten years, the applications we develop—mobile, embedded, wearable, and more—will be radically different from today’s apps. And so will be the testing and quality tools, methods, and solutions we employ. Extrapolated from his experiences at Google, Microsoft, and Applause...

Jason Arbon,
Continuous Mobile Testing for Critical Business Apps[presentation]

Mobile testing presents a daunting challenge to software development shops and testers. QA/test teams must design test plans to account for multiple platforms, an enormous and ever-increasing number of devices, and frequent OS updates that often introduce dramatic changes. To add...

Steven Winter, FIS Mobile
The Internet of Things and You[presentation]

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? What are the technologies that make it happen? Where do we see it today? Where will we see it tomorrow? What capabilities will it provide, and what do we need to know to take part in it? Jim McKeeth considers where IoT is taking us and discusses the...

Jim McKeeth, Embarcadero Technologies
The Software Developers Guide to Prototyping Wearable Devices[presentation]

Prototyping wearable devices used to be something that required specialized skills in electrical engineering, embedded development, and mechanical engineering. Today, thanks to the maker revolution, we can combine our deep knowledge of programming with basic electronics, soldering...

Lance Gleason, Polyglot Programming Inc.
From Web Developer to Hybrid App Developer[presentation]

You or your company have a great idea for an app—and now you need to build it. So, what architecture do you use to support iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, and future operating systems? How can you deal with all these platforms and still re-use your skills as web developer? The answer is a...

Greg Avola, Untappd
Architect a Winning Mobile Application[presentation]

Building mobile apps in today’s highly dynamic environment comes with great uncertainty and risk. It’s imperative to make the right design choices early on. Poor architectural decisions can make or break an app. In this technical session, Shadi Saifan focuses on the architecture and design...

Shadi Saifan, FIS Mobile
Plotting a Better Beer with Geolocation: An Untappd Case Study[presentation]

Geolocation enhances the experience of many services and provides users with customized results based on their current location. Many people don’t realize what an important role geolocation can play in locating their favorite beer—and Untappd, a mobile application around beer discovery...

Greg Avola, Untappd
Mobile Dev + Test 2015: Mobile Test Automation with Big Data Analytics[presentation]

Development and test organizations face major challenges when building robust automated tests around their mobile applications. With limited testing resources and increasingly more complex projects, stakeholders worry about the risk and quality of mobile products. So how do you plan a...

Tarun Bhatia, Microsoft
Mobile Performance Testing Crash Course[presentation]

With more and more web traffic coming from mobile devices, performance on tablets and smartphones has a profound impact on user experience and, ultimately, your company’s bottom line. Dustin Whittle shares the latest performance testing tools and insights for web developers. Dustin...

Dustin Whittle, AppDynamics
Mobile Application Dev and QA Testing with Simulated Environments[presentation]

Do you know that 63 percent of your users would be less likely to do business with you if they experience problems with your mobile application? To ensure top-notch user experience, you need to conduct thorough testing on unpredictable network conditions—even if testing components...

Wayne Ariola, Parasoft
A DevOps Approach for Building 100 iOS Apps[presentation]

Apple and IBM forged a global partnership to transform enterprise mobility, which includes delivering 100 applications built exclusively for iOS devices. There are myriad challenges involved in producing that many mobile apps quickly—and with excellent user experience and quality. The team...

Leigh Williamson, IBM


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