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Friendly Competition Management Myth 35: Friendly Competition Is Constructive[article]

Competition between teams does not improve performance. In fact, the added stress may shift team members' focus from creating a quality product to self-preservation due to fear of failure. Johanna suggests managers emphasize collaboration between teams over competition.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Jeff Nielsen agile trends The Agile Mindset and Agile Trends for 2015: An Interview with Jeff Nielsen[interview]

In this interview, Jeff Nielsen, SVP of engineering at 3Pillar Global, covers the importance of an agile mindset and why it's the ideal mentality for taking enterprises to the next level. Jeff also looks to next year, giving insight into trends we can expect for the agile community in 2015.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
A Tale of Two Doctors and the Value Stream[magazine]

Johanna Rothman compares the experience a patient has with doctors to software development. Producing value implies that the customer believes the software you create provides an important benefit by taking into  consideration the way a user works along with an exceptional user experience.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Agile Planning The Five Levels of Agile Planning[article]

Contrary to popular belief, agile projects require as much planning as any other project type. It is the timing of this planning and how we attempt to minimize wasted effort that is different from other approaches. This article attempts to explain the different levels of agile planning and how we utilize them in an ongoing project.

Paul Ellarby's picture Paul Ellarby
Calvin Baldwin discusses the differences between the agile and waterfall methodologies The Great Agile and Waterfall Debate: An Interview with Calvin Baldwin[interview]

In this interview, e-commerce expert Calvin Baldwin tackles the fundamental differences between the agile and waterfall methodologies, why agile is not a software panacea, and whether waterfall will ever see a resurgence or if a new method will evolve to dominate software management.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
Overcoming Challenges That Impact Product Delivery[magazine]

Eric Winquist has considerable experience not only leading his company but also consulting with development teams. His advice to “link people to the work” is one of many golden nuggets of information that will help your team deliver projects on time.

Eric Winquist's picture Eric Winquist
Value and Innovation Team Assembly and Its Impact on Value and Innovation[article]

Simply putting a handful of developers together and calling it a “team” doesn’t cut it. There’s a better, more analytical approach to team assembly that results in more cohesive teams, faster ramp-up times to peak velocity, and improved innovation, business outcomes, and value.

Michael Rosenbaum's picture Michael Rosenbaum
How to Design a Test Strategy[magazine]

Speaking from his experience with test-centered design projects, Jon Hagar explores some testing pitfalls that could have been avoided if the right test strategy had been chosen. You won't find a better, easier-to-understand explanation of a practical test strategy.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
Project Management in Cloud Development[magazine]

Cloud-based software development definitely changes how project managers need to approach their projects and lead their teams. Cloud development is not the same as traditional software product  development and requires a unique mix of traditional project management and agility. Project managers considering working on cloud-based projects need to read what Sridhar Kethandapatti has to say.

Sridhar Kethandapatti's picture Sridhar Kethandapatti
Technical Practices Accelerating the Adoption of Technical Practices[article]

Agile teams are supposed to take responsibility for how they work and how they learn. But what if you need to jump-start that learning? Agile transformation is about making this happen rather than waiting for it to happen. You need to get your team to learn the technical side of agile, and soon. Here are some effective approaches.

Scott Barnes's picture Scott Barnes Clifford Berg
Prathap Dendi discusses continuous integration and mobile application testing Continuous Integration and Mobile Application Testing: An Interview with Prathap Dendi[interview]

In this interview, Prathap Dendi speaks about and why testers should be interested in continuous integration and continuous delivery, as well as why agile is such a natural fit for mobile development. Prathap also tackles the impact of cloud and mobile on international business.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
Can We Do Agile? Barriers to Agile Adoption[presentation]

“Can we do agile?” is a question often asked by individuals enviously looking at the impressive results reported by other organizations that adopted agile practices. What they are usually concerned about are the commonly perceived barriers to agile adoption: large scale, legacy...

Steve Adolph, Blue Agility
Servant Leadership: It’s Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be[presentation]

Ah, the sounds of feathers being ruffled! Tricia Broderick believes that servant leadership is not all that it’s cracked up to be. She wants and expects more from leaders then just being servants who act only when asked. Until now, a common (and easy) coaching style has been to transform...

Tricia Broderick, Pearson
A Very Large Enterprise Agile Transformation: Lessons Learned at Salesforce[presentation]

When the agile consultants leave, how do you ensure that the enterprise agile transformation sticks, evolves, and grows throughout the organization? What challenges will you face? What support must be in place to address the challenges? Like software products, the real cost of an agile...

Mike Register,
The Future of Agile: Dilution, Calcification, or Evolution?[presentation]

The agile revolution began more than a dozen years ago. It was started by a small band of rebels who had radical ideas, shared a common vision, and wanted to change the world by challenging the status quo. Where is that agile revolution today? Has it continued the vision of its founders?

Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan


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