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Cloud Computing: Yes, It Will Radically Change Your World[presentation]

You can't read a technology article these days without some mention of "the cloud." Many have labeled it the next sea-change in the industry; others point out that the model has been around for ages. Regardless of its origins, the cloud certainly does change things. But the bigger question...

Mike Wood, Red Gate Software
Grooming the Backlog: Plan the Work, Work the Plan[presentation]

Stories in the backlog must be ready to go in time to begin each sprint—priorities are set, stories are at the Goldilocks level of granularity (not too big, and not too small), and stakeholders are prepared to discuss the details. Getting the backlog ready and grooming it take serious...

Andy Berner, QSM, Inc.
The Roots of Agility[presentation]

What we mean by Agile is becoming less and less clear. Rob Myers shares sixteen years of history and observation, noting the amazingly diverse ideologies and...

Rob Myers
The Magic of Assumptions[presentation]

There are no “facts” about the future. Everything we think we know about tomorrow is based on what we think we know about the world today and our assumptions of where that will likely lead. Through a process of trial and error successful project managers, software developers, testers, and...

Payson Hall, Catalysis Group, Inc.
Dealing with Auditors: Helping Them Understand Agile[presentation]

It is widely understood that agile mitigates project execution risks. However, auditors and regulators unfamiliar with the agile process often reject it as non-compliant. In regulated industries, organizations seeking to adopt agile are often challenged to provide evidence that...

Steve Nunziata, Independent Consultant
Develop a Defect Prevention Strategy—or Else![presentation]

Defects occurring throughout the development of a software project penalize the project. The effort spent remediating these defects robs the project team of valuable time, resources, and money that could otherwise be used for further innovation and delivering the highest possible quality...

Scott Aziz, Cognizant
Why Agile Fails in Large Enterprises—and What to Do about It[presentation]

Agile works. We get it. You don’t have to sell people on the underlying principles anymore. Even so, many large-scale agile transformations are struggling. Some have failed. Others can’t figure out why things aren't working after multiple attempts. It’s easy to blame the people, the...

Mike Cottmeyer, LeadingAgile, LLC
Better Software Conference East 2014: Tips and Tricks for Building Secure Mobile Apps[presentation]

Mobile application development is now a mission-critical component of many IT organizations. Due to the security threats associated with mobile devices, it is critical that mobile applications are built to be secure from the ground up. However, many application developers and testers do...

Jeff Payne, Coveros, Inc.
Establishing an Agile Testing Culture[presentation]

Many resources describe how to accelerate performance of your development organization through adoption of agile methodologies, but very few cover testing in a practical manner. And those that do generally focus on technical details, leaving out how to build an agile testing culture while...

Leigh Ishikawa, TripAdvisor
The Survey Says: Testers Spend Their Time Doing...[presentation]

How can testers contribute more to the success of their project and their company? How can they focus on asking the right questions, improving test planning and design, and finding defects so the business releases a quality product―even though there’s always one more fire to extinguish or...

Al Wagner, IBM
Leverage the Power You Don't Know You Have[magazine]

Being technically gifted and performing great work may not be enough when you consider a large part of your job is getting others to collaborate with you. Bob McGannon gives some simple ways you can present yourself and your views that can result in greater job satisfaction and career success.

Bob McGannon's picture Bob McGannon
Craeg Strong discusses agile documantation Best Practices for Lean Documentation: An Interview with Craeg Strong[interview]

In this interview, Craeg Strong speaks about his upcoming presentation, meeting strict documentation requirements in agile, how agile documentation differs from traditional governance, the advantages and disadvantages to taking your documentation agile, and the art of a company turnaround.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
Jumpstart Team Efforts Why Teams Stop Improving—and How to Jumpstart Their Efforts[article]

One of the most important features in agile software development is continuous improvement. However, after an initial burst of inspiration and productivity, teams may stop improving because they believe there are no issues left to address or the issues are too difficult to solve. People need to switch their mental models to keep addressing processes efficiently.

Aleksander Brancewicz's picture Aleksander Brancewicz
Potential of Your Team Using Agile Pods to Realize the Potential of Your Team[article]

Agile pods are small custom agile teams, ranging from four to eight members, responsible for a single task, requirement, or part of the backlog. This organizational system is a step toward realizing the maximum potential of agile teams by involving members of different expertise and specialization, giving complete ownership and freedom, and expecting the best quality output.

Nishi Grover's picture Nishi Grover
Cory Foy discusses Scrum and kanban Scrum Versus Kanban: An Interview with Cory Foy[interview]

In this interview, Cory Foy speaks about his upcoming presentation at Agile Development & Better Software Conference East, why choosing Scrum or kanban is similar to climbing a mountain, how organizational change is all about experimentation, and why companies should use Innovation Games.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds


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