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Privacy and Data Security: Minimizing Reputational and Legal Risks[presentation]

Privacy and data security are hot topics among US state and federal regulators as well as plaintiffs’ lawyers. Companies experiencing data breaches have been fined millions of dollars, paid out millions in settlements, and spent just as much on breach remediation efforts. In the past...

Tatiana Melnik, Melnik Legal, PLCC
Executives’ Influence on Agile: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly[presentation]

The evidence is in—and it's compelling. Well-executed agile practices can shorten software project schedules by 30 percent while cutting defects by 75 percent. However, many organizations struggle with agile adoption. And some of these struggles can be attributed to the...

Steve Davi, Synacor
Strategies for Mobile Web Application Testing[presentation]

Mobile web testing is still a widely unexplored territory—with no standardized tools or testing processes—where testers often struggle due to lack of guidance and resources. With mobile devices, tools, operating systems, and web technologies rapidly evolving, testers must adapt their...

Raj Subramanian, Progressive Insurance
Transforming How We Deliver Value: Agility at Scale[presentation]

Continuous delivery in software development allows us to deliver incrementally, get quick feedback, and react. A key enabler is the adoption of agile techniques and methods; key inhibitors in the enterprise are size, scale, and complexity. The Rational ALM organization is a typical...

Amy Silberbauer, IBM
Is Agile the Prescription for the Public Sector’s IT Woes?[presentation]

Information technology (IT) projects are notorious for exceeding budget and schedule estimates, and high visibility failures are common. IT projects in the public sector are particularly challenging. State, provincial, and federal governments worldwide have sponsored noteworthy disasters...

Payson Hall, Catalysis Group, Inc.
Applying Courtship Principles: Hiring for the Long Term[presentation]

As managers, we tend to focus on improving our processes. But have you considered that good people—not processes—are really the foundation of high-quality software? Competent and skilled people—combined with good process—can consistently produce higher-quality software...

Philip Lew, XBOSoft
Requirements Are Requirements—or Maybe Not[presentation]

Many people talk about requirements. They use identical terms and think they have a common understanding. Yet, one says user stories are requirements; another claims user stories must be combined with requirements; and yet another has a different approach. These “experts” seem unaware of...

Robin Goldsmith, Go Pro Management, Inc.
The Agile PMO: Right Work, Right Time, Right People[presentation]

One of the core functions of a PMO is to help an organization standardize efficient processes to select and execute strategic projects. Unfortunately, many PMOs are finding themselves struggling to justify their own existence. In a recent survey, more than half of the respondents reported...

Heather Fleming, Gilt Groupe, and Justin Riservato, Gilt Groupe
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone―Now[presentation]

In an industry that continues to rapidly evolve, the pressure to increase our mastery can be overwhelming. Whether browsing the web or your organization's technical library, it's discouraging to realize that many of the skills you’ve mastered are now obsolete, replaced by...

Tricia Broderick
Breakthrough Portfolio Performance: Managing a Mix of Agile and Non-Agile Projects[presentation]

Agile has delivered impressive performance improvements at the project level, and some attempts to scale agile’s success to the IT project portfolio have also demonstrated good results. However, agile is not for all IT projects nor all project teams. Sometimes other approaches may be more...

Michael Hannan, Fortezza Consulting
Managing Technological Diversity: Avoid Boiling the Ocean[presentation]

Drop everything! We need to regression test the newest browser version. Apple just released a new device and iOS. We need to test our site on IE11 with Windows 8.1. Sound familiar? The number of technologies our software products must be compatible with has grown exponentially, and the...

Katy Douglass, Nationwide Financial
Continuous Delivery: Never Send a Human to Do a Machine’s Job[presentation]

Until your code is in production, making money for your business, or otherwise doing what it was built to do, you are merely building toy castles in a technological sandbox. Continuous delivery gets more business value into production as soon as possible, validates business decisions, and...

Steve Povilaitis, LeadingAgile, LLC
Gamification and Arbejdsglæde (Danish: Work Gladness/Joy)[presentation]

You get paid for doing that? Is it possible to both work and have fun in a large corporate setting? Can joy be made part of the workplace? For the past few years Ryan Kleps and his colleagues have been conducting an informal social experiment using gamification (before they knew it had...

Ryan Kleps, Boeing IT
Seven Principles of Cross-Continent, Distributed Development[presentation]

Many teams practice agile development as an integral part of their organization with the benefits of collocation and local decision making. However, it is increasingly more common to develop code across continents, either in distributed organizations or with the help of offshore...

Igor Gejdos, Roche Diagnostics
Avoiding Over Design and Under Design[presentation]

The question of how much design to do up-front on a project is an engaging conundrum. Too much design often results in excess complexity and wasted effort. Too little design results in a poor architecture or insufficient system structures which require expensive rework and hurt more in the...

Al Shalloway, Net Objectives


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