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The Perfect Storm: Mobile Application Quality[presentation]

Mobile applications are fraught with risk. The unique, portable nature and multiple uses of mobile devices bring a wide variety of critical quality properties into play: reliability, usability, security, availability, and maintainability. Allocating the effort to identify and ensure these...

Jeffery Payne, Coveros, Inc.
Stop Making Lists, Start Making Products[magazine]

Like any great process methodology, agile (and Scrum specifically) can lose sight of the best way to facilitate a development lifecycle from concept to delivery. David Hussman frequently encounters teams that are going through the motions. If your sprint planning meetings have disintegrated into quick listmaking exercises, David will show you how to reinvigorate your team.

David Hussman's picture David Hussman
Adopting ALM Will Enhance the Value of Your Test Team[magazine]

Modern ALM emphasizes total team involvement and a comprehensive set of tools so that the development lifecycle runs smoothly. Joe Farah shows you how test case management is a vital component to a successful ALM strategy.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Agile Mindset What Does It Mean to Have an Agile Mindset?[article]

There has been lots of talk about the agile mindset, but what does that mean? It does not merely encompass the skills that make a successful agile team member, but also what drives a person to want to be part of an agile team. It should include the quest to learn—even when you fail—and leveraging what you learn to continuously improve on what you do.

Leanne Howard's picture Leanne Howard
Sanjiv Augustine discusses product owner certification Product Owner Certification: An Interview with Sanjiv Augustine on Agile, Lean, and Scrum[interview]

In this interview, Agile Leadership Network cofounder Sanjiv Augustine discusses his upcoming product owner certification class at the Mobile Dev + Test Conference. He talks about who should go, detailing how he'll be incorporating agile, lean, and Scrum into the lecture.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Boost Development Lifecycles Using Feedback Loops to Boost Development Lifecycles[article]

Feedback loops serve as opportunities to increase productivity, either in an individual’s performance or in project teamwork or process. Identifying areas for improvement throughout each sprint and turning them into action items can help you track and address the key challenges related to technology or product improvement.

Trinadh Bonam's picture Trinadh Bonam
Drive Product Delivery Taking Vision to Reality: Using Agile to Drive Product Delivery[article]

Product development organizations that skip or rush through critical preplanning activities run the risk of failure. Organizations that use a more agile approach to product development ensure that the teams work on the right things, have the right amount of dialogue with their business partners, and produce the right amount of value to the product.

Jack Walser's picture Jack Walser
Understanding Team Behavior Planning Feature Velocity by Understanding Team Behavior[article]

When planning releases, it’s important to understand where team effort is being spent. By using high and low watermarks, a project manager can determine a suitable approach to take when setting expectations and determining whether it is necessary to alter team behavior to focus more on getting those features into a release.

Dave Browett's picture Dave Browett
No Estimates Making Sense of #NoEstimates[article]

A couple of years ago, the Twitter hashtag #NoEstimates appeared. Its purpose was to start a discussion about alternatives to estimations, but the idea of a project without explicit estimates is odd to most people in software development. However, if you start exploring it, you may find better sources of information to rely on.

Gil Zilberfeld's picture Gil Zilberfeld
How to Prepare for ISTQB Exam[magazine]

In this FAQ column, Michael Sowers provides advice on preparing for the ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager Certification Exam.

Michael Sowers's picture Michael Sowers
Project Management Framework Common Misconceptions about Agile: Agile Is Just a Project Management Framework[article]

When it comes to transitioning to agile, if a team only goes off what it's heard from other teams and doesn't take a class or read any books about the process, misconceptions can abound. And that leads to problems. Read on to have three common agile myths debunked and to learn why agile is a cultural change, not just a project management framework.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Painful Lessons I Learned from Bootstrapping a Startup[magazine]

If you are considering leaving the nest to self-fund your own endeavor, you may want to read about Mike Botsko's experience creating a cloud-based, bug-tracking app called Snowy Evening. What started out as a lot of fun quickly turned into a tough journey. Don't worry—it has a happy ending!

Mike Botsko's picture Mike Botsko
Common Misconceptions about Agile Common Misconceptions about Agile: There Is Only One Approach[article]

Many teams think they're agile. They might work in iterations and have a ranked backlog, but they don’t see the value they could be seeing. Usually that means they have a number of false impressions about agile. Read on to have three common misconceptions debunked and to learn what you need to do to make your agile transition successful.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
The Lean Test Canvas[magazine]

Taking lessons from the lean business model, Matt Heusser explains how a tester can present different values and properly set expectations with the team using the lean test canvas. His approach starts with defining who  the customer is and ends with key qualitative measures that will be used to ensure success.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Struggling with a Transformation Struggling with a Transformation? Try Serving Stone Soup[article]

The fable of stone soup is often told as a lesson about cooperation in times of scarcity. Mike Edwards has used an approach based on this allegory to help teams make steps toward improving themselves and the way they work, especially when it comes to shifting to new methodologies such as agile and Scrum.

Mike Edwards's picture Mike Edwards


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