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Blunders in Test Automation[presentation]

In chess, the word blunder means a very bad move by someone who should know better. Even though functional test automation has been around for a long time, people still make some very bad moves and serious blunders. The most common misconception in automation is thinking that manual...

Dorothy Graham, Software Test Consultant
Implement an Enterprise Performance Test Process[presentation]

Suddenly, application performance is important to your business, and you have been given the budget to improve it. You’re in a hurry because customers are complaining or because you expect jumps in transaction volume and your application needs to scale quickly. Do you know where to start?

Ryan Riehle, InCycle Software
Reduce Third-Party Tool Dependencies in Your Test Framework[presentation]

Have you found yourself forced to use outdated test tools because the cost to migrate was prohibitive? Have you abandoned or rewritten existing tests because it was easier (and cheaper) than migrating? With technology ever changing, most businesses struggle to keep up with producing...

Chris Mauck, Neustar, Inc.
Avoid Testing Mistakes or Really Bad Things Can Happen[presentation]

In our work we assess the quality of software to give well-grounded advice on the “go live” decision. We test software to prevent bad things from happening to users once the software is deployed. However, in some cases, the mere act of testing breaches safety barriers and can put companies...

Bart Knaack, Professional Testing
Improve Security through Continuous Testing[presentation]

Many companies develop strong software development practices that include ongoing testing throughout the development lifecycle. But they fail to account for the testing of security-related issues. This leads to security controls being tacked on to an application just before it goes to...

Jeremy Faircloth, Raytheon
The Changing Face of Test Management in an Agile World[presentation]

Test management doesn't exist in the world of agile, or rather test managers don't—or do they? Agile methods such as Scrum have many traditional test management activities built in. With practices like self-organizing teams, role blurring, and skill diversification, the face of test...

Tom Roden, Neuri Consulting and Ben Williams, Neuri Consulting
Stop Maintaining Multiple Test Environments[presentation]

Today, most of us struggle with non-production environments. Either the test data is not right or consistent, the dependencies are mismanaged, or “They just aren't quite like production.”  Instead of striving for simpler environments, most organizations add test environments―pre-prod...

Joel Tosi, DevJam
Testing with a Rooted Mobile Device[presentation]

Traditional applications are tested through the GUI and through all exposed APIs. However, typical mobile app testing is only done through the front-end GUI. In addition, performance and security details are not readily available from the mobile device. Max Saperstone demonstrates some...

Max Saperstone, Coveros
Testers and Testing: A Product Owner’s Perspective[presentation]

Testers frequently feel that they and their contributions to delivering software are undervalued. These feelings may stem from patterns of important defects being de-prioritized, receiving lower salaries than their peers who code, being assigned seemingly pointless tasks, or being expected...

Scott Barber, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
STAREAST 2015: Lightning Strikes the Keynotes[presentation]

Throughout the years, Lightning Talks have been a popular part of the STAR conferences. If you’re not familiar with the concept, Lightning Talks consists of a series of five-minute talks by different speakers within one presentation period. Lightning Talks are the opportunity for speakers...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Automate Legacy-System Testing: Easy, Reliable, and Extendible[presentation]

Everyone loves working on a greenfield project. You’re starting fresh and nothing holds you back. Unfortunately, for most testers, this is a rare occurrence. Chances are you will work on legacy applications. Because these often have no automated tests, developers are afraid to make bold...

Emanuil Slavov, Komfo, Inc.
Web and Mobile App Accessibility Testing[presentation]

If a website or mobile app is not accessible to all potential visitors, is it truly a quality product? Services, products, information, and entertainment on the web and mobile devices can be made available to millions of consumers with vision, hearing, or motor control difficulties by...

Nancy Kastl, SPR Consulting
Harness the Power of Checklists[presentation]

As testers, we can feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things that require our attention. We are pressured to meet the demands of a fast-paced development environment while grappling with the extreme complexities inherent in today’s software. How can we remember everything while...

Kirk Lee, Infusionsoft
Mindmaps: Lightweight Documentation for Testing[presentation]

Quality starts with requirements. In small to mid-size companies, it is not uncommon for the communication chain to be broken. Florin Ursu shares ways to avoid miscommunication through a streamlined process in which requirements are communicated to both developers and testers...

Florin Ursu, DMEautomotive
Security Testing: What Testers Can Do[presentation]

Thousands of times each day, network perimeter security defenses fail to recognize new and obfuscated attacks. Rather than attempting to build security firewalls, Declan O’Riordan asserts that project teams must design, code, and test security into applications―and that requires skills...

Declan O'Riordan, Test and Verification Solutions


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