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Testing Lessons Learned from Sesame Street[presentation]

Rob Sabourin has discovered testing lessons in the Simpsons, the Looney Tunes gang, Great Detectives, Dr. Seuss, and other unlikely places, but this year he journeys to Sesame Street. Sesame Street teaches basic life skills in a safe, entertaining, memorable style. Rob uses them to...

Rob Sabourin,
Speak Like a Test Manager[presentation]

Ever feel like your manager, development manager, product manager, product owner, or (you fill in the blank) is not listening to you or your team? Are you struggling to make an impact with your messages? Are you “pushing a wet rope uphill” in championing product quality? Are you talking...

Mike Sowers, Software Quality Engineering
Softwarts: Security Testing for Muggles[presentation]

Security testing is often shrouded in jargon and mystique. Security conjurers perform arcane rites using supposed “black hat” techniques and would have us believe that we cannot do the same. The fact is that security testing “magic” is little more than specialized application of...

Paco Hope, Cigital
Test Improvement in Our Rapidly Changing World[presentation]

In organizations adopting the newest development approaches, classical test process improvement models no longer fit. A more flexible approach is required today. Solutions like SOA, virtualization, web technology, cloud computing, mobile, and the application of social media have changed...

Martin Pol, Polteq Testing Services BV
Checking Performance along Your Build Pipeline[presentation]

Do you consider the performance impact when adding a new JavaScript file, a single AJAX call, or a new database query to your app? Negligible, you say? I disagree―and so should you. Andreas Grabner demonstrates the severe impact small changes can have on performance and scalability.

Andreas Grabner, Compuware
Why Automation Fails—in Theory and Practice[presentation]

Testers face common challenges in automation. Unfortunately, these challenges often lead to subsequent failures. Jim Trentadue explains a variety of automation perceptions and myths―the perception that a significant increase in time and people is needed to implement automation; the myth...

Jim Trentadue, Ranorex
Implementing Outsourced Testing Services with a Third Party[presentation]

Outsourcing test services are all the rage today. But are they really faster, better, and cheaper? Shelley Rueger shares how you can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your test process using a third-party test service. She provides guidance on how to determine if your product is...

Shelley Rueger, Moxie Software
Before You Test Your System, Test Your Assumptions[presentation]

Do you find yourself discussing with your peers what you think the system you’re building should do? Do you argue over what the users want? Do discussions wind up in a heated debate? This result indicates that no shared understanding exists about the system. With a lack of...

Aaron Sanders, Agile Coach
The Test Manager’s Role in Agile: Balancing the Old and the New[presentation]

What do test managers do? In traditional organizations, they assign people to projects, oversee the testers’ progress, provide feedback, and perhaps offer coaching to people who want it. Test managers are the go-to people when you don't know how to do something—not because they know...

Mary Thorn, ChannelAdvisor
Metrics That Matter[presentation]

Imagine you’re a test manager starting a new assignment. On the first day of work, you’re presented with a list of metrics you are to report. Soon, you realize that most of the metrics are not really connected to what should be measured. Or, consider the situation where you’re told that...

Pablo Garcia, Redmind
Steve Davi discusses the role of executives in agile Executives Taking a Back Seat in Agile: An Interview with Steve Davi[interview]

In this interview, Steve Davi talks about how executives can actually harm a company's agile transition. He covers how executives can and should take on a different role when agile is being adopted and explains how employees can help executives get engaged in the right way.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Leveraging Automated Testing to Improve Product Quality[magazine]

Improving product quality is often a very difficult task for even the best software development organizations. Rajini says the additional benefits of automation include benchmarking, code scanning analysis, end-to-end test cases, and compatibility validation.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture Rajini Padmanaban
Agile Process Rollout Overcoming Resistance to an Agile Process Rollout[article]

Many engineering leaders and agile coaches believe that transitioning to agile is simply a matter of process training and expert advice. But frequently, it means that deeply ingrained habits need to be changed. This article identifies eight steps that address the wider organizational shifts implied by agile and will help create buy-in from your team.

Jonathan Levene's picture Jonathan Levene
Bringing Quality into DevOps [magazine]

DevOps is represented by a set of principles and practices that help improve communication and collaboration between development and operations. Bob Aiello and Leslie Sachs have put together a great introduction showing how quality assurance needs to commence at the very start of a DevOps project.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello Leslie Sachs
Mob Programming Getting Started with Mob Programming[article]

Mob programming is a software development approach where the whole team works on the same thing at the same time, in the same space, and at the same computer. Collaborating like this can have great benefits for everyone involved. Here, Woody Zuill details some practices his team uses to make this collaboration work for them.

Woody Zuill's picture Woody Zuill


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