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Facebook's Simon Stewart discusses mobile testing Facebook’s No-Testing-Department Approach: An Interview with Simon Stewart[interview]

In this TechWell interview, Facebook's Simon Stewart digs into his company's shocking approach to testing, which is that they don't have a testing department. He also talks about the challenges and pressure that come along with producing so many different mobile builds per year.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Improving Quality and Value Delivery with T-Shaped Team Members[magazine]

Thomas Wessel presents how T-shaped and pi-shaped teams based on each member's span of knowledge, ability to collaborate, and depth of expertise play an important part in how effectively your team performs.

Thomas Wessel's picture Thomas Wessel
Team Values What Are Your Team's Velocity Values?[article]

For any agile-based operation, you can introduce the concept of "velocity values." Depending on the organizational culture, these values may come as monetary rewards, recognition, or other incentives. This can go a long way toward helping management understand how their respective teams work and can provide great insight into mentoring at both the individual and team levels.

Eric  King's picture Eric King
Facebook's Simon Stewart discusses mobile application testing Why Testers Need to Code: An Interview with Simon Stewart[interview]

In this TechWell interivew, Facebook's Simon Stewart discusses the social media company's unique mobile approach, the application's fast and hard development cycle, and the key to the speed of all those updates that arrive on your phone. 

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Building Mobile Apps the User Can Trust[magazine]

It seems like every week there's a new security disaster impacting millions of users worldwide. With the acceptance of mobile apps providing timely data at your fingertips, users are becoming very concerned about security. Philip gives you some impactful tips for developing apps that create trust with end-users.

Philip Lew's picture Philip Lew
World Cup and Agile What the World Cup and Agile Development Have in Common[article]

There are a surprising number of similarities between successful World Cup and agile teams. Both must be diligent in four areas in order to reach their “goals.” This article explores the parallels between the two for selecting the team, getting up to speed, consistency, and game plans.

Michael Rosenbaum's picture Michael Rosenbaum
Spiral of an Organization Avoiding the Organizational Death Spiral[article]

The death spiral supersedes the death march in that the death march is a singular event, whereas the death spiral is systemic. It is the result of organizational dysfunction where teams march toward deadline after deadline without reflecting on or questioning if there is a better way to deliver software. There is! Take these positive steps.

Thomas Wessel's picture Thomas Wessel
Process Frameworks, Not Fixed Processes[magazine]

The software development field has been consumed with process management ranging from inflexible, predictive waterfall all the way to self-governing, adaptable agile approaches. You probably already utilize a specific process methodology on your projects, but have you considered adopting an evolutionary learning cycle process framework instead?

Ryan Olivett's picture Ryan Olivett Bob Payne
Agile Helped Cooperation An Experience Where Agile Approaches Helped[article]

This article addresses a process where a team moved from a traditional waterfall model to using agile elements in order to deliver a product to a government agency. It talks about typical problems that come up in a transition to agile, complications from distributed teams, and the advantages and disadvantages of the process for government or nongovernment clients.

Yamini Munipalli's picture Yamini Munipalli
Cover of the book Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd in Software Testing Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd: An Interview with Mukesh Sharma and Rajini Padmanaban[interview]

Mukesh Sharma and Rajini Padmanaban of QA InfoTech sit down to talk about their upcoming book, Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd in Software Testing. In this interview, Mukesh and Rajini also talk about the benefits and future of crowdsource testing.

Explosion of Mobile and The Internet of Everything[magazine]

Better Software magazine editor Ken Whitaker highlights the contents of the July/August issue with two articles featuring mobile and wearable intelligent devices and the challenges they present to typical software development.  Ken also provides information on ordering a print copy of Better Software.

Ken Whitaker's picture Ken Whitaker
Wearable Computing Reaches New Heights[magazine]

With mobile and small embedded devices extending the reach of modern computing, the predictions are that wearable computing is definitely the next biggest thing. If you want to know more about the wearable device  revolution, Mukesh presents facts that will convince you this is the next hottest trend.

Mukesh Sharma's picture Mukesh Sharma
Growth of Agile How Agile Is Growing as It Goes into Its Teenage Years[article]

Agile is growing up and is now officially a teenager. It has moved from being a somewhat rumbustious child with some overzealous followers and a skeptical management crowd to something that is generally accepted by the mainstream IT community and particular management. Has the agile community lost something? Are the founding members and early practitioners evolving the practice? Is this good? Well, the answers are yes, yes, and maybe.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
Agile Team Challenges Five Agile Challenges for Distributed Teams[article]

The framework for agile development empowers the diverse environments of modern business. While some project teams can be collocated, many projects are undertaken by teams who are distributed geographically or organizationally. This article focuses on five challenges faced by these distributed agile development teams and provides some solutions.

Harsha Vemulapalli's picture Harsha Vemulapalli
Paco Hope puts a Harry Potter twist on security testing Security Testing for Muggles: An Interview with Paco Hope [interview]

Paco Hope talks STARWEST 2014, his goals to reduce the stigma around security testing, and how you don't have to be a wizard to test the safety of your software. Paco also covers how security testing is like cooking, the future of security, and how he became interested in security testing.


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