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Chasing Mavericks: Using Rolling Wave Planning to Transform Agile Teams[magazine]

By using an approach similar to that used by surfers to catch waves, you can effectively help your team transition to agility. Scott presents a four-stage process that alternates training with coaching and doing with learning.

Scott Frost's picture Scott Frost
Women on Agile Teams How Women Can Help Build Better Agile Teams[article]

The IT industry is dominated by men. But you shouldn't hire more women just to lessen the gender gap. The ultimate goal is better teams, and it just so happens that hiring more women tends to help build better teams anyway. Companies should reexamine what traits they value in job candidates.

Pawel Brodzinski's picture Pawel Brodzinski
Jared Richardson discusses acceptance test-driven development and agile communication Acceptance Test-Driven Development and Communication in Agile: An Interview with Jared Richardson[interview]

In this interview, principal consultant and Agile Artisans founder, Jared Richardson, explains how misunderstanding requirements can cause major issues within an organization. He covers why team members need to communicate, how big projects are often mishandled, and the value of agile.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Important Retrospectives Why If I Could Do Only One Thing, It Would Be Retrospectives[article]

Introducing a full agile framework can be daunting and cumbersome. Instead, try beginning with the method's core focus: continuous improvement. Retrospectives are the starting point of your agile journey and can help you solve the most immediate problems in your process, leading you down the road of process improvement.

Sune Lomholt's picture Sune Lomholt
Andy Berner discusses agile project planning and backlog grooming The Importance of Grooming the Backlog: An Interview with Andy Berner[interview]

In this interview, Andy Berner of QSM talks about his upcoming presentation, the importance of keeping a well-groomed backlog, the pitfalls of the impossible zone, and why it's vital that you and your team keep your tools serving you and not the other way around. 

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
Josh Galde discusses mobile automated testing Mobile Fragmentation and the Need for Automation: An Interview with Josh Galde[interview]

In this interview, Keynote's Josh Galde talks anything and everything mobile. The industry veteran discusses how much of the testing process should be automated, the difference between testing phones and tablets, and what he sees as "the next big thing" in the industry.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
How Does Security Testing Fit in My QA Process?[magazine]

Alan Crouch addresses the question most commonly raised by those who are new to security testing: "How does security testing fit in my QA process?" Alan explains that security testing shouldn't be limited to the QA process, but instead should be applied throughout the entire software development lifecycle. Read this FAQ column for suggestions on how to improve your chances for success in catching security issues.

Alan Crouch's picture Alan Crouch
Don't Shoot Agile in the Foot How to Plan and Execute Programs without Shooting Agile in the Foot[article]

Program planners in IT organizations have a dilemma: On one hand, their agile teams tell them that if requirements are defined up front, agile teams cannot operate; but on the other hand, the program’s budget and scope need to be defined so that resources can be allocated and contracts can be written for the work. How does one reconcile these conflicting demands?

Clifford Berg's picture Clifford Berg
Stephen Vance discusses integrated software testing throughout the dev process Why We Still Need Testers: An Interview with Stephen Vance[interview]

Practitioner, manager, and consultant Stephen Vance explains why we still need testers. Instead of just using the testing process at the end of a development cycle, Vance argues for integrated testing that solves issues throughout the process.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
How Can You Get More Effective with DevOps?[magazine]

By emphasizing better communication and collaboration between software development and IT, this article explores ways to establish trust by focusing on customer value. For example, Manoj Khanna suggests continuous integration and validation as techniques that helps build that trust.

Manoj Khanna's picture Manoj Khanna
Making Agile Leaner Making the Agile Extra Lean by Adopting New Practices[article]

Prakash Pujar writes about his team's experience adopting some of the best agile practices to make their process extra lean and increase efficiency by increasing throughput—all without any change to the agile framework his team was following before and after. Here, he talks about some of the lean practices that worked for them.

Prakash Pujar's picture Prakash Pujar
Anders Wallgren discusses the Internet of Things and continuous delivery The Internet of Things and the Honda Recall: An Interview with Anders Wallgren[interview]

In this interview, Anders Wallgren talks about the Internet of Things and how it played a role in the recent Honda recall. Anders also covers how future technology can affect our quality of life, as well as touching on some best practices for continuous delivery.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
Quick, Before We Release[magazine]

Matt Heusser presents ten key factors to establish a team cadence—the time between running tests and getting a product into production. The shorter the cadence, the less time spent in test/fix/retest land, and the more time spent working on new features.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Implement Agile A Case Study in Implementing Agile[article]

This case study serves as an example of how adopting agile can be extremely beneficial to an organization, as long as situational factors are considered. Adopting a new development method is a strategic, long-term investment rather than a quick fix. As this article shows, making deliberate, fully formed decisions will ultimately lead to better outcomes.

Taylor Putnam's picture Taylor Putnam
Andreas Grabner discusses testing throughout the software development process Test throughout the Entire Development Process: An Interview with Andreas Grabner[interview]

In this TechWell interview, Andreas Grabner explains why it's best to test throughout the entire development process. He discusses the severe impact small changes can have on performance and scalability, as well as a few key metrics that will surprise software professionals. 

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin


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